Use Python to capture all the movies of Mouton Video, and you can watch VIP movies without money!

Keywords: Python Programming Web Development Django

Crawler for all movie crawlers implemented by python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import string, time
import pymongo
NUM     = 0         #Global variables, number of movies
m_type  = u''       #Global variables, movie types
m_site  = u'qq' #Global Variables, Movie Websites
#Get the content of the page based on the specified URL
def gethtml(url):
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html =
    return html
#Getting Film Categories from Film Categories List Page
def gettags(html):
    global m_type
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)      #Filter out the categorized content
    #print soup
    #<ul class="clearfix _group" gname="mi_type" gtype="1">
    tags_all = soup.find_all('ul', {'class' : 'clearfix _group' , 'gname' : 'mi_type'})
    #print len(tags_all), tags_all
    #print str(tags_all[1]).replace('\n', '')
    #<a_hot= "tag.sub" class="_gtag_hotkey" href= "" title= "action" tvalue= "0">action</a>
    re_tags = r'<a _hot=\"tag\.sub\" class=\"_gtag _hotkey\" href=\"(.+?)\" title=\"(.+?)\" tvalue=\"(.+?)\">.+?</a>'
    p = re.compile(re_tags, re.DOTALL)
    tags = p.findall(str(tags_all[0]))
    if tags:
        tags_url = {}
        #print tags
        for tag in tags:
            tag_url = tag[0].decode('utf-8')
            #print tag_url
            m_type = tag[1].decode('utf-8')
            tags_url[m_type] = tag_url
            print "Not Find"
    return tags_url

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#Get the number of pages per category
def get_pages(tag_url):
    tag_html = gethtml(tag_url)
    #div class="paginator
    soup = BeautifulSoup(tag_html)      #Filter out html for tagged pages
    #print soup
    #<div class="mod_pagenav" id="pager">
    div_page = soup.find_all('div', {'class' : 'mod_pagenav', 'id' : 'pager'})
    #print div_page #len(div_page), div_page[0]
    #<a class="c_txt6" href="" title="25"><span>25</span></a>
    re_pages = r'<a class=.+?><span>(.+?)</span></a>'
    p = re.compile(re_pages, re.DOTALL)
    pages = p.findall(str(div_page[0]))
    #print pages
    if len(pages) > 1:
        return pages[-2]
        return 1
def getmovielist(html):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    #<ul class="mod_list_pic_130">
    divs = soup.find_all('ul', {'class' : 'mod_list_pic_130'})
    #print divs
    for div_html in divs:
        div_html = str(div_html).replace('\n', '')
        #print div_html

def getmovie(html):
    global NUM
    global m_type
    global m_site
    re_movie = r'<li><a class=\"mod_poster_130\" href=\"(.+?)\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"(.+?)\"><img.+?</li>'
    p = re.compile(re_movie, re.DOTALL)
    movies = p.findall(html)
    if movies:
        conn = pymongo.Connection('localhost', 27017)
        movie_db = conn.dianying
        playlinks = movie_db.playlinks
        #print movies
        for movie in movies:
            #print movie
            NUM += 1
            print "%s : %d" % ("=" * 70, NUM)
            values = dict(
                movie_title = movie[1],
                movie_url   = movie[0],
                movie_site      = m_site,
                movie_type      = m_type
            print values
            print "_" * 70
            NUM += 1
            print "%s : %d" % ("=" * 70, NUM)
    #   print "Not Find"
def getmovieinfo(url):
    html = gethtml(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    #pack pack_album album_cover
    divs = soup.find_all('div', {'class' : 'pack pack_album album_cover'})
    #print divs[0]
    #<a href= " JykI.html" target= "new" title= "Blood Drops" exclusive documentary"wl="1"></a>
    re_info = r'<a href=\"(.+?)\" target=\"new\" title=\"(.+?)\" wl=\".+?\"> </a>'
    p_info = re.compile(re_info, re.DOTALL)
    m_info = p_info.findall(str(divs[0]))
    if m_info:
        return m_info
        print "Not find movie info"
    return m_info
def insertdb(movieinfo):
    global conn
    movie_db = conn.dianying_at
    movies = movie_db.movies
if __name__ == "__main__":
    global conn
    tags_url = ""
    #print tags_url
    tags_html = gethtml(tags_url)
    #print tags_html
    tag_urls = gettags(tags_html)
    #print tag_urls
    for url in tag_urls.items():
        print  str(url[1]).encode('utf-8') #,url[0]
        maxpage = int(get_pages(str(url[1]).encode('utf-8')))
        print maxpage
        for x in range(0, maxpage):
            m_url = str(url[1]).replace('0_20_0_-1_0.html', '')
            movie_url = "%s%d_20_0_-1_0.html" % (m_url, x)
            print movie_url
            movie_html = gethtml(movie_url.encode('utf-8'))
            #print movie_html
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Posted by eRott on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 02:45:40 -0700