Statistics of test subjects
- Using prompt () method to input the number of exam subjects requires non-zero and non-negative numbers, otherwise give the corresponding prompt and exit the program.
- According to the number of subjects, the prompt() method is used to input and accumulate the results of each subject. The results must be non-negative. Otherwise, the corresponding prompt is given and the procedure is withdrawn.
- If the input is correct, the total score of the subject will be output. Some pictures are shown as follows:
<input name="btn" type="button" value="Statistical examination results" οnclick="count(prompt('Please enter the number of subjects in the exam.'));" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function count(num){//There is a parameter function, num=prompt('Please enter the number of subjects') var sum=0; if(isNaN(num)){//If num is not a number, then output alert, otherwise perform the following conditional judgment alert("The input is not a number!"); }else if(num<=0){ alert("Input test subjects are invalid"); }else{ for(var i=1;i<=num;i++){//Final i=num var score=prompt("Please lose the first place."+i+"Achievements in subjects:"); if(isNaN(score)){ alert("Achievements must be numbers!"); break;//Exit the for loop directly }else if(score<0) { alert("Achievements cannot be negative!"); break; }else sum+=parseFloat(score);//Equal to sum=sum+paraseFlow(sorce) //Because the prompt() method returns a string of data, the parseFlow() function is used to convert the string to floating-point numbers. //sum+=parseInt(score) is not available here because he can't calculate floating point numbers accurately. } } if(sum!=0)//If the previous break and the variable sum=0 were declared earlier, the following statement would not be executed alert(num+"The total results of the subjects are as follows:"+sum); } </script>
Of course, we can also modify it by changing the parametric function to the parametric function.
<input name="btn" type="button" value="Statistical examination results" οnclick="count();" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function count(){//Parameter free function var num = prompt('Please enter the number of subjects in the exam.') var sum=0; if(isNaN(num)){Conditional Judgment alert("The input is not a number!"); }else if(num<=0){ alert("Input test subjects are invalid"); }else{ for(var i=1;i<=num;i++){ var score=prompt("Please lose the first place."+i+"Achievements in subjects:"); if(isNaN(score)){ alert("Achievements must be numbers!"); break; }else if(score<0) { alert("Achievements cannot be negative!"); break; }else sum+=parseFloat(score); } } if(sum!=0) alert(num+"The total results of the subjects are as follows:"+sum); } </script>
For button tags, we can also write as follows: <button_nclick= "count ()"> Statistical Examination Results </button>.
Finally, we can expand further (if the input error gives a hint and re-input):
<button οnclick="count()">Statistical examination results</button> <script type="text/javascript"> function count(){//Parameter free function var num = prompt('Please enter the number of subjects in the exam.') var sum=0; while(isNaN(num)){ alert("The input is not a number!"); num = prompt('Re-enter the number of exam subjects') } while(num<=0){ alert("Input test subjects are invalid!"); num = prompt('Re-enter the number of exam subjects') } for(var i=1;i<=num;i++){ var score=prompt("Please lose the first place."+i+"Achievements in subjects:"); while(isNaN(score)){ alert("Achievements must be numbers!"); score=prompt("Please lose the first place."+i+"Achievements in subjects:"); } while(score<0){ alert("Achievements cannot be negative!"); score=prompt("Please lose the first place."+i+"Achievements in subjects:"); } sum+=parseFloat(score); } if(sum!=0) alert(num+"The total results of the subjects are as follows:"+sum); } </script>
Then the above code realizes that the input error can be re-entered, so can we modify the final code and get the total score of the last displayed code by who plus whom?
(To be completed):