Building multiple module s under SpringBook Advanced Tutorial intellij idea project

Keywords: Java Mybatis xml JDBC Spring

In the last article< SpringBook Advanced Tutorial (60) Build multiple modules under the intellij idea project (Part 1) > In this article, we have introduced how to divide multiple modules after creating a project in intellij idea, and today we will give you a brief overview of the breakdown of the detailed work among the modules. If you don't consider subdividing multiple modules, take a look at this article< Introduction to Spring Boot (1) Explain intellij idea Building Spring Boot>.

v Design Database

CREATE TABLE `useraccount` (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `age` int(10) NOT NULL,
    `phone` bigint NOT NULL,
    `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `account` varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    `pwd` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
insert into `useraccount` values(1,'Zhao(dev)',23,158,'','test001','test001');
insert into `useraccount` values(2,'money(dev)',27,136,'','test002','test002');
insert into `useraccount` values(3,'Grandchildren(dev)',31,159,'','test003','test003');
insert into `useraccount` values(4,'plum(dev)',35,130,'','test004','test004');
select * from `useraccount`;

v Introduces mybatis

1.0 Add mybatis plug-in

Add mybatis plug-in to pom.xml of learn-persist.

                        <groupId> mysql</groupId>
                        <artifactId> mysql-connector-java</artifactId>
                    <!-- Auto-generated configuration -->
                    <!--Allow moving generated files -->
                    <!-- Coverage or not -->

As shown above, under resources of learn-persist, create mapper and mybatis-config file directories respectively, and add and mybatis-generator.xml files.



1.2 mybatis-generator.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration
        PUBLIC "-// MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN"
    <properties resource="mybatis-config/"/>
    <context id="DB2Tables"    targetRuntime="MyBatis3">
            <property name="suppressDate" value="true"/>
            <property name="suppressAllComments" value="true"/>
        <!--Database Link Address Account Password-->
        <jdbcConnection driverClass="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connectionURL="${jdbc.url}" userId="${jdbc.username}" password="${jdbc.password}">
            <property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false"/>
        <javaModelGenerator targetPackage="learn.model.po"
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
            <property name="trimStrings" value="true" />

        <sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="mapper"
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />

        <javaClientGenerator targetPackage="learn.persist"
            <property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
        <!--Generate corresponding tables and class names-->
        <table tableName="useraccount" domainObjectName="UserAccount" enableCountByExample="false" enableUpdateByExample="false" enableDeleteByExample="false" enableSelectByExample="false" selectByExampleQueryId="false"></table>

More information about mybatis-generator.xml can be seen Here.

Unified Configuration of Version 1.3 Number

In order to facilitate subsequent management, the version numbers of all plug-ins are unified in the pom.xml of the project (hello learning). The pom.xml of each sub-module (such as learning-persist) is directly used by the method of ${}.

For example, add < mybatis-generator.version > 1.3.6 </mybatis-generator.version > to the pom.xml attribute of hellolearn s, and use < version >${mybatis-generator.version} </version > directly in pom.xml of learn-persist.

Note that the code label section in "For example" above has spaces for escape, preventing browsers from recognizing "mybatis-generator.version" and "version" as html labels.

1.4 Maven Project Plug-in

As shown above, in the Maven project on the right side of idea, you can find the corresponding plug-in of mybatis-generator. If you can't find it, right-click learn-persist in the maven project, and then click generate sources....

1.5 Run the mybatis generator plug-in

As shown above, clicking on the mybatis generator:generator plug-in will generate three files marked red on the left.

v Write controller

2.0 Add result to return entity class


2.1 Add controller

package learn.web.controller;

import learn.model.vo.Result;
import learn.model.vo.UserAccountVO;
import learn.service.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

 * @author toutou
 * @date by 2019/07
public class UserController {

    UserAccountService userAccountService;

    public String helloWorld() {
        return "hello world.";

    public Result getUserAccountById(@RequestParam("uid") int id){
        UserAccountVO user = userAccountService.getUserAccountById(id);
        if(user != null){
            return Result.setSuccessResult(user);
            return Result.setErrorResult(404, "user does not exist");
Note: getUserAccountById is not available for the time being, you can not add it first.

2.2 Add aplication startup class

package learn.web;

import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;

 * Created by toutou on 2019/7
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"learn.*" })
@MapperScan(basePackages = {"learn.persist"})
public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);



2.3 Add


mybatis.mapper-locations = classpath:mapper/*Mapper.xml

2.4 Configuration Startup Class

2.5 Test results

v Writing service

3.1 Add Service

package learn.service;

import learn.model.vo.UserAccountVO;

 * @author toutou
 * @date by 2019/07
public interface UserAccountService {
    UserAccountVO getUserAccountById(Integer id);

3.2 Implementing Service

package learn.service.impl;

import learn.model.po.UserAccount;
import learn.model.vo.UserAccountVO;
import learn.persist.UserAccountMapper;
import learn.service.UserAccountService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

 * @author toutou
 * @date by 2019/07
public class UserAccountServiceImpl implements UserAccountService{
    UserAccountMapper userMapper;

    public UserAccountVO getUserAccountById(Integer id){
        UserAccountVO accountVO = null;
        UserAccount account = userMapper.selectByPrimaryKey(id);
        if (account != null) {
            accountVO = new UserAccountVO();

        return accountVO;

v configuration settings

4.1 Add

4.2 Add


4.3 Add pom.xml configuration

4.3.1 hellolearn pom.xml

4.3.2 learn-web pom.xml


4.4 Update the application startup class

4.5 Test results

vlinux deployment spring boot

5.1 Add plug-ins to learn-web pom.xml


5.2 Add plug-ins to Hello learn pom. XML


Note: exclude if profile file directory is used.

5.3 Packaged Deployment

java -jar learn-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar --server.port=95

Problems you may encounter:

v source address

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Posted by brown2005 on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 07:48:52 -0700