Go golang Micro Services Framework go-micro Getting Started Notes 2.1 micro Tool micro api

Keywords: Front-end curl JSON IE github

micro api

The microfunction is very powerful, and this article will elaborate on the capabilities of the micro api command line Say important things three times

Main role

The primary purpose is to provide http gateway support for microservices.If the back-end service name is go.micro.srv.hello and the call method is provided, we can invoke the micro service through the http protocol.


The micro api directive has all the following parameters

$micro api -h
   micro api - Run the api gateway

   micro api [command options] [arguments...]

   --address value    Set the api address e.g [%MICRO_API_ADDRESS%]
   --handler value    Specify the request handler to be used for mapping HTTP requests to services; {api, event, http, rpc} [%MICRO_API_HANDLER%]
   --namespace value  Set the namespace used by the API e.g. com.example.api [%MICRO_API_NAMESPACE%]
   --resolver value   Set the hostname resolver used by the API {host, path, grpc} [%MICRO_API_RESOLVER%]
   --enable_rpc       Enable call the backend directly via /rpc [%MICRO_API_ENABLE_RPC%]


   --address value sets the ip and port that the gateway accesses, if set to, then it can be accessed through default
   --handler value specifies which type of handler to map to. You can choose {api, event, http, rpc} by default, RPC
   --namespace value specifies which microservices are exposed, and all microservices in that space can be accessed by namespace matching, such as specifying a value of `go.micro.srv'.
   --resolver value path and microservice correspondence, default is micro, optional is {host, path, grpc}
   --enable_rpc supports direct access through the rcp interface, default false


We map http to API type processing services using the --handler=api type option, which is explained below

  1. Download handlerapi.zip and unzip to%GOPATH%/techidea8.com/microapp/doc/. The unzipped directory is as follows
go.mod  go.sum  handerapi.go  proto/
  1. Initialization module
#This step must be done or an error will occur`build command-line-arguments: cannot load techidea8.com/microapp/doc/handerapi/proto:`
>go mod init
>go: creating new go.mod: module techidea8.com/microapp/doc/handerapi
  1. To generate a proto file, replace the GOPATH path yourself.
>protoc --proto_path=E:/winlion/gopath/src --proto_path=. --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/handerapi.proto
#Note that many documents on the network use--proto_path=import_proto_path:. This format specifies path, but it doesn't work in win10
#Another possible format is -IE:/winlion/gopath/src-I. The following is also possible 
>protoc -IE:/winlion/gopath/src -I. --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/handerapi.proto
  1. Function
>go run handerapi.go
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:54208
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:54209
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api.example-71c8b1fa-f84b-4cf6-957f-617f67a4083c
  1. View service status
>micro list services
  1. test
>curl  "http://localhost:8080/example/example1/func1?name=winlion"
{"msg":"We have received your request winlion"}


Publishing an event event is accomplished with the --handler=event option, and the key code is as follows

  1. Download handlerevent.zip and unzip it to%GOPATH%/techidea8.com/microapp/doc/. The unzipped directory is as follows

The core code is as follows

service := micro.NewService(micro.Name("test1"))
//Subscribe to the go.micro.evt.test event and note the test
micro.RegisterSubscriber("go.micro.evt.test", service.Server(), new(TestEvent))
if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
  1. Running Services
>go run handlerevent.go
2019/08/24 23:17:18 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:57093
2019/08/24 23:17:18 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:57094
2019/08/24 23:17:19 Registry [mdns] Registering node: test1-7efd3b0a-5455-4456-870d-3b34e80f1354
2019/08/24 23:17:19 Subscribing test1-7efd3b0a-5455-4456-870d-3b34e80f1354 to topic: go.micro.evt.test
  1. View service status
>micro list services
  1. Launch event publishing support
>micro api --handler=event --namespace=go.micro.evt
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Registering API Event Handler at /
2019/08/24 23:06:28 HTTP API Listening on [::]:8080
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:56778
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:56779
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api-c342fe3f-4a06-4955-be3f-79284e580467
  1. test
>curl -d "{\"message\": \"Hello,Winlion\"}" "http://localhost:8080/test/login" -X POST
#The server side displays the following data
>2019/08/24 23:18:54 Process Received Events login  {"message": "Hello,Winlion"}

Note that under the win system, publishing json data through curl requires double quotation marks and the escape character\ Be careful Test in http://localhost:8080/test/login corresponds to test in go.micro.evt.test


Publishing an event event is accomplished with the --handler=event option, and the key code is as follows

  1. Download handlerevent.zip and unzip it to%GOPATH%/techidea8.com/microapp/doc/. The unzipped directory is as follows

The core code is as follows

service := micro.NewService(micro.Name("test1"))
//Subscribe to the go.micro.evt.test event and note the test
micro.RegisterSubscriber("go.micro.evt.test", service.Server(), new(TestEvent))
if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
  1. Running Services
>go run handlerevent.go
2019/08/24 23:17:18 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:57093
2019/08/24 23:17:18 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:57094
2019/08/24 23:17:19 Registry [mdns] Registering node: test1-7efd3b0a-5455-4456-870d-3b34e80f1354
2019/08/24 23:17:19 Subscribing test1-7efd3b0a-5455-4456-870d-3b34e80f1354 to topic: go.micro.evt.test
  1. View service status
>micro list services
  1. Launch event publishing support
>micro api --handler=event --namespace=go.micro.evt
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Registering API Event Handler at /
2019/08/24 23:06:28 HTTP API Listening on [::]:8080
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:56778
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:56779
2019/08/24 23:06:28 Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api-c342fe3f-4a06-4955-be3f-79284e580467
  1. test
>curl -d "{\"message\": \"Hello,Winlion\"}" "http://localhost:8080/test/login" -X POST
#The server side displays the following data
>2019/08/24 23:18:54 Process Received Events login  {"message": "Hello,Winlion"}

Note that under the win system, publishing json data through curl requires double quotation marks and the escape character\ Be careful Test in http://localhost:8080/test/login corresponds to test in go.micro.evt.test


The mapping between http and RPC services is implemented by using the --handler=rpc type option. The RPC type is similar to the api type, referring to the apihanlder-related code. The rpchander code package is `handler rpc'.

  1. Download handlerrpc.zip and unzip it to%GOPATH%/techidea8.com/microapp/doc/. The unzipped directory is as follows
handerapi.go  proto/
  1. Initialization module
#This step must be done or an error will occur`build command-line-arguments: cannot load techidea8.com/microapp/doc/handerapi/proto:`
>go mod init
>go: creating new go.mod: module techidea8.com/microapp/doc/handlerrpc
  1. To generate a proto file, replace the GOPATH path yourself.
>protoc --proto_path=. --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/handlerrpc.proto
#Note that many documents on the network use--proto_path=import_proto_path:. This format specifies path, but it doesn't work in win10
#Another possible format is -IE:/winlion/gopath/src-I. The following is also possible 
>protoc -IE:/winlion/gopath/src -I. --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/handerapi.proto
  1. Function
>go run handlerrpc.go
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:54208
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:54209
2019/08/24 20:59:32 Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api.example-71c8b1fa-f84b-4cf6-957f-617f67a4083c
  1. View service status
>micro list services
  1. test
>curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"arg\": \"Winlion\"}" "http://localhost:8080/model1/model1/action1"
{"data":"Received data Winlion"}

The difference between RPC handler and api handler is that the data exchange proto model of api handler is encapsulated again on the basis of rpc.


With the--handler=http type option, HTTP service mapping, the core code is as follows

  • The new handlerweb.go code is as follows
package main

import (
//hello handler, print helloworld
func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	//json support
	w.Header().Add("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
	if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(map[string]interface{}{
		"code":    0,
		"message": "hello,world",
	}); err != nil {
    	//Page error display information
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusNotFound)

func main() {
	//new a web service
	service := web.NewService(web.Name("go.micro.web.hello"))
	//Binding Mapping Method
    service.HandleFunc("/", hello)
	if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
  • Start application
>go run handlerweb.go
2019/08/24 23:58:14 Listening on [::]:57984
  • Start api service
>micro api --handler=http --namespace=go.micro.web
2019/08/24 23:58:42 Registering API HTTP Handler at /{service:[a-zA-Z0-9]+}
2019/08/24 23:58:42 HTTP API Listening on [::]:8080
2019/08/24 23:58:42 Transport [http] Listening on [::]:57992
2019/08/24 23:58:42 Broker [http] Connected to [::]:57993
2019/08/24 23:58:42 Registry [mdns] Registering node: go.micro.api-fecb79d6-0175-4d1c-9243-29c1d616b70d
  • test
#Notice that hello corresponds to hello in microservice `go.micro.web.hello`


This is to turn on direct access support for RPC and set enable_rpc=true to be accessible through the following interfaces

  • Turn on rpc support
>>micro api --handler=rpc --namespace=go.micro.api --enable_rpc=true
  • New Micro Service
>micro new --type=srv techidea8.com/microapp/doc/enablerpc
Creating service go.micro.srv.enablerpc in E:\winlion\gopath\src\techidea8.com\microapp\doc\e
├── main.go                                                                                  
├── plugin.go                                                                                
├── handler                                                                                  
│   └── enablerpc.go                                                                         
├── subscriber                                                                               
│   └── enablerpc.go                                                                         
├── proto\enablerpc                                                                          
│   └── enablerpc.proto                                                                      
├── Dockerfile                                                                               
├── Makefile                                                                                 
├── README.md                                                                                
└── go.mod                                                                                   
download protobuf for micro:                                                                 
brew install protobuf                                                                        
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go}                                   
go get -u github.com/micro/protoc-gen-micro                                                  
compile the proto file enablerpc.proto:                                                      

cd E:\winlion\gopath\src\techidea8.com\microapp\doc\enablerpc                                
protoc --proto_path=.:$GOPATH/src --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/enablerpc/enablerpc.proto   

Note that since it is not recognized under win--proto_path=.:$GOPATH/src, we need to process the following script by ourselves, where E:/winlion/gopath should be replaced with their respective GOPATH

>cd /d E:\winlion\gopath\src\techidea8.com\microapp\doc\enablerpc
>protoc --proto_path=. --proto_path=E:/winlion/gopath/src --go_out=. --micro_out=. proto/enablerpc/enablerpc.proto
  • Start Services
#Start Micro Service
>go run main.go
#Start rpc support
> micro api --handler=rpc --namespace=go.micro.srv --enable_rpc=true
  • test
> curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"service\": \"go.micro.srv.enablerpc\",\"method\": \"Enablerpc.Call\", \"request\": {\"name\": \"Winlion\"}}" "http://localhost:8080/rpc"
#Return the following data
{"msg":"Hello Winlion"}

You may need to read the following before reading this article

Go golang Distributed Micro Services Framework Go-microGetting Started Notes 1:1 Minute Quick Setup Go-microenvironment

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Posted by runestation on Sat, 24 Aug 2019 17:50:17 -0700