ACK Container Service Virtual Node uses Aliyun Log Service to collect business container logs

Keywords: Programming Kubernetes kubelet

According to this article Bowen In this paper, virtual nodes can be deployed on ACK cluster by Helm to improve the resilience of cluster. Now, the example of ECI elastic container deployed by virtual node also supports the unified management of stdout output and log files synchronized to Aliyun Log Service (SLS). All logs can be collected in the same log service project. Moreover, the way of collecting logs is consistent with the way of collecting common containers on the cluster and seamlessly combines.

This article will introduce log collection in conjunction with the resilience of virtual nodes.

Deployment of Log Service Support Components in ACK Cluster

stay ACK Cluster Installation Interface Check to use the log service, and the cluster will install the necessary components to support log collection.

After the cluster is installed, you can Logging Service Console View the project named as k8s-log-{Kubernetes Cluster ID}. The collected business container logs are placed under the project.

Existing clusters can follow Aliyun Help Document Deploy related components. If the relevant log service components are not deployed in the normal cluster, the logs of ECI instances will be collected uniformly into the project at the beginning of eci-log-default-project.

Deployment of virtual nodes

You can follow ACK Container Service Publishes Virtual Node Addresson to Rapidly Deploy Virtual Nodes to Improve Cluster Elasticity This article deploys virtual nodes within the cluster.

Use YAML template to collect common business container logs

The grammar of YAML template is the same as Kubernetes grammar, but in order to specify the collection configuration for container, env is needed to add the collection configuration and custom Tag for container, and the corresponding volumeMounts and volumes are created according to the collection configuration. The following is a simple Deployment example:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: alpine
  name: alpine
  replicas: 2
      app: alpine
        app: alpine
      - image: alpine
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - ping
        name: alpine
        ######### Configuring environment variables ###########
        - name: aliyun_logs_test-stdout
          value: stdout
        - name: aliyun_logs_test-file
          value: /log/*.log
        - name: aliyun_logs_log_tags
          value: tag1=v1
        ######### To configure vulume mount #######
        - name: volume-sls
          mountPath: /log
      - name: volume-sls

There are three parts that need to be configured according to your needs, generally in order to configure.

  • The first part uses environment variables to create your collection configuration and custom Tag. All configuration-related environment variables are prefixed with aliyun_logs_
    The rules for creating collection configurations are as follows:
- name: aliyun_logs_{Logstore name}
  value: {Log Collection Path}

In the example, two collection configurations are created, in which the env of aliyun_logs_log-stdout represents the configuration of creating a log store named log-stdout and a log collection path named stdout, thus collecting the standard output of the container into the log-stdout log store.

Describes that the Logstore name cannot contain an underscore (), but can be replaced by -.

  • The rules for creating custom Tag s are as follows:
- name: aliyun_logs_{any name that does not contain''}_tags
  value: {Tag name}={Tag value}

After configuring Tag, when the container's logs are collected, the corresponding fields are automatically attached to the log service.

  • If you specify a non-stdout collection path in your collection configuration, you need to create volumnMounts in this section.
    In the example, the collection configuration adds the collection of c:log*.log, so the volume Mounts of c:log are added accordingly.

Save the above yaml as test.yaml and apply it to cluster:

$ kubectl create ns virtual
$ kubectl create -f test.yaml -n virtual

# View pod deployment
$ kubectl get pods -n virtual -o wide
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE                       NOMINATED NODE
alpine-57c9977fd6-bsvwh   1/1     Running   0          10m   cn-hangzhou.   <none>
alpine-57c9977fd6-wc89v   1/1     Running   0          10m   cn-hangzhou.   <none>

view log

To find the test-stdout logstore under the corresponding project of the log service console, click on the query to see the stdout logs of the common container collected:

Expanding Business Containers to Virtual Nodes

The namespace virtual created above will be marked as deploying using virtual nodes, and then scaling two pod s to virtual nodes.

# Mark namespace
$ kubectl label namespace virtual virtual-node-affinity-injection=enabled

# scale deployment/alpine
$ kubectl scale --replicas=4 deployments/alpine -n virtual

# Looking at the pod deployment, you can see that two are deployed in the normal node and two are deployed in the virtual node.
$ kubectl get pods -n virtual -o wide
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE                       NOMINATED NODE
alpine-57c9977fd6-2ctp7   1/1     Running   0          23s   virtual-kubelet            <none>
alpine-57c9977fd6-b4445   1/1     Running   0          23s   virtual-kubelet            <none>
alpine-57c9977fd6-bsvwh   1/1     Running   0          10m   cn-hangzhou.   <none>
alpine-57c9977fd6-wc89v   1/1     Running   0          10m   cn-hangzhou.   <none>

Look at the log again

By opening the test-stdout logstore, you can see the mixed stdout logs of common containers and ECI instances collected:

Note: Different logstores in different clusters under your account can not configure ECI instance logs that collect the same matching rules, such as stdout; under the same cluster, different logstores can not configure common containers and ECI instance logs that collect the same matching rules.

Links to the original text
This article is the original content of Yunqi Community, which can not be reproduced without permission.

Posted by mahaguru on Mon, 22 Jul 2019 00:51:04 -0700