Medical Large Health Industry Case (Real-time Monitoring and Warning of Elderly Health) - Best Practices for RDS PostgreSQL in Aliyun

Keywords: PostgreSQL Database less JSON


PostgreSQL, pipelineDB, streaming, independent event correlation, public opinion analysis, real-time status analysis, recursive queries, time series data


People's bodies and machines are similar. With the increase of age, organs are aging, and more and more faults will occur. On the one hand, attention should be paid to maintenance. On the other hand, real-time monitoring and warning should be paid to solve the problem in its germinating state.

In the past, we had to go to a hospital or a professional physical examination institution for physical examination. With the progress of science and technology, the monitoring of some health indicators has become more convenient, such as the handring, which is also a very popular and fast monitoring and detection terminal (can detect heart rate, temperature, exercise and other indicators at present). In the future, more and more items can be detected by this terminal in real time.

If the area of health detection in the civil field of hand-ring calculation, in the professional field, such as some hospitals or nursing homes, they have more sensors, videos, spatial detection and other means, which can make real-time monitoring of more indicators for patients or the elderly in hospitals or nursing homes.

For example:

1. How long does a person's behavior track remain fixed in a certain range and continue to be alerted?

2. A person in bed space, lying for more than 12 hours, alert.

3. A person's height is less than 40cm and lasts for 5 minutes, alerting (there are people around, not alerting).(such as high blood pressure, thieves)

4. Alert a person in the tight space of the toilet for more than 30 minutes.

All of the above sensors support such data collection.


The data flow is divided into five parts:

1. Data (from sensors)

2. Data transformation (formatting, stateful)

Optional steps. The goal of data conversion is to make the data easier to recognize and process. There are three methods for real-time data conversion.

2.1. Conversion rules are defined in the UDF of a database and are translated in real time when they are brought into the database through triggers or rules.

2.2. Conversion rules are defined in the UDF of the database and converted through pipeline Transforms.

2.3. Convert at the application level, and the converted data is repositored.

3. Define rules.

Define early warning rules, such as the one mentioned earlier:

A person in the tight space of the toilet, more than 30 minutes, alert.

To simplify the access interface, rules can be defined in the UDF of a database and presented through a view.

4. Real-time rule query.

Query defined rules and alert.

5. Early warning.

Optimizing ideas

1. The same data (a record may contain attributes of multiple dimensions such as height, location, heart rate) may be calculated on multiple rule dimensions, such as an early warning rule on heart rate and an early warning rule on location.

Reducing the amount of data scanned is a common optimization method, and a similar optimization method is used at the 9.6 kernel level.

PostgreSQL 9.6 Kernel Optimized Aggregation Code Optimized OP Reuse

However, this example is more complex because different rules may involve different ranges of records, such as a spatial dimension in bed that may not alert for 12 hours (there may be thousands of records), and a height dimension that may require an alert for 5 minutes.

2. Data from the same sensor should be stored as independently as possible to reduce the cost of data scanning.That is, one table per sensor.Similar optimization method references

"PostgreSQL Time Series Best Practices - Stock Exchange System Database Design - Aliyun RDS PostgreSQL Best Practices"

3. Since early warning does not require all records to be preserved, you can use rotate to export historical data to an OSS external table.(Occasionally when you need to pinpoint details, you can query, and when you need a lot of analysis, you can directly dock HybridDB for PostgreSQL for analysis)

Introduction to PostgreSQL data rotate usage - covering historical data by time

4. Dynamic flow calculation rules to reduce computational load.For example, when a user enters a state, the corresponding rule is triggered.For example, a user enters the toilet space before performing a flow calculation rule operation in the toilet space.


Take this example to show how to warn:

A person in the tight space of the toilet, more than 30 minutes, alert.

DEMO is not so complex, regardless of optimization factors.

Building tables

create table sensor_info(  
  sid int,   -- sensor ID  
  pos point, -- Relative coordinates of sensors  
  crt_time timestamp  -- Upload Time  
  -- Other attributes are slight for demonstration purposes.  
create index idx_sensor_info on sensor_info (sid,crt_time desc);  
create table userinfo (  
  uid  -- Corresponding relationship table between user and sensor, omitted  

create table statistic_obj_info (  
  objid  int,    -- Static object spatial information, such as bed, toilet
  pos_range box  -- The spatial extent of the object, if used postgis,Please use geometry To represent an interval.  

Generate data

insert into sensor_info select random()*1000, point(trunc((random()*10)::numeric,2), trunc((random()*10)::numeric,2)), now()+(id||' second')::interval from generate_series(1,10000000) t(id);  
postgres=# select * from sensor_info limit 10;  
 sid |     pos     |          crt_time            
 888 | (1.43,5.58) | 2017-07-31 17:23:04.620488  
 578 | (5.6,2.01)  | 2017-07-31 17:23:05.620488  
 186 | (6.98,9.91) | 2017-07-31 17:23:06.620488  
  99 | (4.1,7.46)  | 2017-07-31 17:23:07.620488  
  30 | (6.25,6.07) | 2017-07-31 17:23:08.620488  
 403 | (5.12,6.26) | 2017-07-31 17:23:09.620488  
  60 | (9.8,8)     | 2017-07-31 17:23:10.620488  
 654 | (1.83,5.41) | 2017-07-31 17:23:11.620488  
 731 | (5.72,4.67) | 2017-07-31 17:23:12.620488  
 230 | (4.99,8.3)  | 2017-07-31 17:23:13.620488  
(10 rows)  
postgres=# select * from sensor_info where sid=1 order by crt_time desc limit 10;  
 sid |     pos     |          crt_time            
   1 | (9.83,6.18) | 2017-11-24 10:40:35.620488  
   1 | (3.18,9.82) | 2017-11-24 10:39:30.620488  
   1 | (1.79,6.24) | 2017-11-24 10:35:15.620488  
   1 | (3.13,8.42) | 2017-11-24 10:21:35.620488  
   1 | (5.11,4.17) | 2017-11-24 10:09:22.620488  
   1 | (9.51,3.41) | 2017-11-24 10:04:00.620488  
   1 | (2.24,2.35) | 2017-11-24 09:50:33.620488  
   1 | (7.2,8.67)  | 2017-11-24 09:44:18.620488  
   1 | (2.32,4.48) | 2017-11-24 08:45:22.620488  
   1 | (0.33,9.33) | 2017-11-24 08:44:50.620488  
(10 rows)  

Define Rules

A person in the tight space of the toilet, more than 30 minutes, alert.

Each toilet defines a relative coordinate range that monitors the rules for the elderly when the user is sensed to enter.

Geometric operation please refer to


Use UDF to define rules and output a JSON.

create or replace function matong_rule(  
  v_sid int,   -- sensor ID  
  pos_range box,  -- Spatial Interval , If used postgis,Please use geometry To label a space 
  ts interval     -- Duration, using interval type  
) returns jsonb as $$  
  v sensor_info;  -- Temporary type  
  e timestamp;    -- Last Time  
  s timestamp;    -- Earliest time  
  for v in select * from sensor_info_1 where sid=v_sid order by crt_time desc   
    if pos_range @> v.pos then  
      if e is null then e := v.crt_time; end if;  
      s := v.crt_time;  
    end if;  
  end loop;  
  if e-s >= ts then  
     return jsonb_build_object('sid', v_sid, 'pos_range', pos_range, 'start_time', s, 'end_time', e, 'interval', e-s);  
    return null;  
  end if;  
$$ language plpgsql strict;  


1 is the sensor ID of the elderly, the middle BOX is the interval range of the toilet, and the third parameter is the duration.

When an elderly person is detected to enter a static object space that needs to be monitored (for example, into the bed space, into the toilet space), the above rules are triggered to query.

postgres=# select matong_rule(1,'(10,10),(0,0)','1 sec');  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "115 days 17:08:19", "pos_range": "(10,10),(0,0)", "start_time": "2017-07-31T17:32:16.620488"}  
(1 row)  
Time: 23.200 ms  
postgres=# select matong_rule(1,'(10,10),(1,1)','1 sec');  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "01:55:13", "pos_range": "(10,10),(1,1)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T08:45:22.620488"}  
(1 row)  
Time: 11.157 ms  
postgres=# select matong_rule(1,'(10,10),(2,2)','1 sec');  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "00:01:05", "pos_range": "(10,10),(2,2)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T10:39:30.620488"}  
(1 row)  
Time: 11.325 ms  
postgres=# select matong_rule(1,'(10,10),(3,3)','1 sec');  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "00:01:05", "pos_range": "(10,10),(3,3)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T10:39:30.620488"}  
(1 row)  
Time: 11.019 ms  

In fact, the possibilities of sensor upload are not relative coordinates, but direct upload of static objects (toilet, bed,....).Unique identification (e.g. full numbering of static objects and corresponding sensors can sense the presence of elderly people in this space and report monitoring data in real time.)

This makes it simpler, not even necessary for interval judgments, and more elegant.However, the disadvantage is that if the elderly leave the monitoring area, they cannot be monitored, or they have to rely on the seniors'sensors.

A summary of these two forms:

1. Light terminal, heavy server.

The terminal's capability is weak, it is only a basic data collection, all sent to the server for calculation.

2. Heavy terminal, light server.

The terminal has a strong ability to collect data, and has some computing power. At the same time, a static terminal (such as bed and toilet) is added to the building to link the seniors (sensors) who enter this space and report more accurate judgment data.

Query Rules

Output the status of all users.

For example, query seniors with sensor IDs 1-100 for status of activity in toilet space.

postgres=# select matong_rule(id ,'(10,10),(3,3)','1 sec') from generate_series(1,10) t(id);  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "00:01:05", "pos_range": "(10,10),(3,3)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T10:39:30.620488"}  
 {"sid": 2, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:43:06.620488", "interval": "00:10:36", "pos_range": "(10,10),(3,3)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T10:32:30.620488"}  
(10 rows)  
Time: 115.501 ms  

early warning

Alert if there are log returns.

Another interesting feature for PostgreSQL is asynchronous messages, which can be used for asynchronous alerts.

"Notfy/listen - database asynchronous broadcasting from radio meter to database applet"

From WeChat Applets to Database Applets, Ghost knows what I've been through

" Real-time Map Application Practice"

If you are using pipelinedb, you can also choose the real-time alert function of transform.

CREATE TABLE t (user text, value int);

  RETURNS trigger AS
    INSERT INTO t (user, value) VALUES (NEW.user, NEW.value);
  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

  SELECT user::text, value::int FROM stream WHERE value > 100
  THEN EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_into_t();

Activity Market

Track query shows how long an elderly person stays in each place, with multiple records in the same place, and only two (arrival and departure times) are kept when drawing a large disk.

The method is as follows.

Case of Vehicle Networking, Track Cleaning - Aliyun RDS PostgreSQL Best Practices - Window Functions

Introduction to Optimizing Point 1

An optimization of IO amplification was mentioned earlier. By storing all sensor data separately, the problem of IO amplification can be completely eliminated.Let's see how the IO cancellation works:

postgres=#       create table sensor_info_1 (like sensor_info including all);  
Time: 1.765 ms  
postgres=# insert into sensor_info_1 select * from sensor_info where sid=1;  
INSERT 0 9835  
Time: 39.805 ms  
postgres=# \d sensor_info_1  
                     Table "postgres.sensor_info_1"  
  Column  |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default   
 sid      | integer                     |           |          |   
 pos      | point                       |           |          |   
 crt_time | timestamp without time zone |           |          |   
    "sensor_info_1_sid_crt_time_idx" btree (sid, crt_time DESC)  
postgres=# create or replace function matong_rule(  
postgres(#   v_sid int, --Sensor ID  
postgres(#   pos_range box, --Spatial interval  
postgres(#   ts interval -- duration, using interval type  
postgres(# ) returns jsonb as $$  
postgres$# declare  
postgres$#   v sensor_info; --Temporary type  
postgres$#   e timestamp; --last time  
postgres$#   s timestamp; --earliest time  
postgres$# begin  
postgres$#   for v in select * from sensor_info_1 where sid=v_sid order by crt_time desc   
postgres$#   loop  
postgres$#     if pos_range @> v.pos then  
postgres$#       if e is null then e := v.crt_time; end if;  
postgres$#       s := v.crt_time;  
postgres$#     else  
postgres$#       exit;  
postgres$#     end if;  
postgres$#   end loop;  
postgres$#   if e-s >= ts then  
postgres$#      return jsonb_build_object('sid', v_sid, 'pos_range', pos_range, 'start_time', s, 'end_time', e, 'interval', e-s);  
postgres$#   else  
postgres$#     return null;  
postgres$#   end if;  
postgres$# end;  
postgres$# $$ language plpgsql strict;  
Time: 0.469 ms  
postgres=# select matong_rule(1,'(10,10),(3,3)','1 sec');  
 {"sid": 1, "end_time": "2017-11-24T10:40:35.620488", "interval": "00:01:05", "pos_range": "(10,10),(3,3)", "start_time": "2017-11-24T10:39:30.620488"}  
(1 row)  
Time: 0.620 ms  

Increased to 0.6 milliseconds compared to 11 milliseconds per query.


Nursing homes are one of the typical cases of great health care, which involves a lot of spatial data, time data, and a lot of rules.Need a powerful database to support, otherwise all data will be moved to the APP level for processing, which is inefficient.

PostgreSQL supports the real-time detection of the health of the elderly in nursing homes, the application of scenarios such as health report, track query, etc. At the same time, historical sensor data can be communicated with HybridDB for PostgreSQL through OSS to achieve one-stop warning and analysis requirements.

Reference resources

PostgreSQL 9.6 Kernel Optimized Aggregation Code Optimized OP Reuse

Case of Vehicle Networking, Track Cleaning - Aliyun RDS PostgreSQL Best Practices - Window Functions

Pan Jinlian Changed History - An Application of PostgreSQL Public Opinion Event Analysis

Data Inbound Real-Time Conversion - trigger, rule

"PostgreSQL Time Series Best Practices - Stock Exchange System Database Design - Aliyun RDS PostgreSQL Best Practices"

Introduction to PostgreSQL data rotate usage - covering historical data by time

Use of Data Retention Time Window

Posted by andrewpike2000 on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 11:28:50 -0700