Communication, data transfer between vue components (parent-child component, sibling component)

Keywords: Vue Attribute

Summarize the understanding and use of vue component communication.

1. Component directory structure

  • Parent component: app.vue
  • Sub-component: page1.vue
  • Sub-component: page2.vue

Parent component app.vue

  <div id="app">
    <p>Please enter unit price: <input type="text" v-model="price"></p>
    <page1 :price="price" @downPrice="downPrice"></page1>

import Page1 from "./components/page1";
import Page2 from "./components/page2";
export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      price: ""
  components: {
  methods: {
    downPrice() {
      this.price = (this.price - 1).toString();

Subcomponent page1.vue

        <p><span>Unit Price:</span><span>{{price}}</span> <button @click="downPrice">1 yuan price reduction</button></p>
        <p>Number: {{count}} </p>
import bus from  '../eventBus.js'
export default {

Subcomponent page2.vue

            <span>Total amount:{{totalMoney}}element </span>Remaining amount:
import bus from "../eventBus.js";
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      balance: 1000,
      totalMoney: 1000
  mounted() {
    bus.$on("priceChange", (price, count) => {
      this.balance = this.totalMoney - price * count;

2. Introduction to the communication process

1. Parent component passes value to child component

1.1 Introduce child components in parent components that require communication

import Page1 from "./components/page1";

1.2 Register the child component in the parent component's components

components: {

1.3 Use child components in parent component's template


1.4 Values that need to be passed to subcomponents are passed through v-bind (if a fixed value is passed, no v-bind is required, just the attribute name, and the attribute value is passed).

<page1 :price="price"></page1>

//  price here is the value passed to the subcomponent

1.5 Receive the passed value through the props property in the corresponding subcomponent


1.6 Use this value in subcomponents

<p><span>Unit Price:</span><span>{{price}}</span></p>

2. Subcomponents pass values to parent components

2.1 In page1.vue, by triggering subcomponents (here is the custom downPrice method),

 <p><span>Unit Price:</span><span>{{price}}</span> <button @click="downPrice">1 yuan price reduction</button></p>

2.2 In the downPrice of the child component's methods, events and parameters are passed to the parent component through this.$emit()


// downPrice is an event passed to the parent component, which triggers and responds to this method
// The argument passed by count to the parent component, where it can be manipulated accordingly

2.3 Accept events downPrice and data passed by child components in parent components

<page1 :price="price" @downPrice="downPrice"></page1>

2.4 The parent component responds to received events and data

downPrice(count) {
      this.price = (this.price - 1).toString();
      // this.price = (this.price - count).toString();

3. Parent component invokes child component method

Method 1:

3.1 When using subcomponents, add a ref reference to the subcomponents

<page1 :price="price" @downPrice="downPrice" ref="page1"></page1>

3.2 The parent component can either find this subcomponent through this.$refs or manipulate its methods

this.$refs.page1. Sub-component method

Print out the obtained subcomponent information:

Method 2:

3.3 A collection of all subcomponents is available through $children

this.$children[0]. a method

4. Child component invokes parent component method

4.1 Parent components can be found through $parent and their methods can be invoked

this.$parent. parent component method

Printed parent component information

5. Horizontal Component Communication

Peer components cannot pass values directly, and an intermediate bridge is needed to pass data to a common parent component, which then passes data to the required child components.

5.1 Define a public file eventBus.js

The code is simple (in 2 sentences), just create an empty vue instance

import Vue from 'vue'
export default new Vue()

5.2 Include eventBus.js files in peer components that require communication

import bus from '../eventBus.js'

5.3 Pass events and parameters to page2.vue via $emit in page1.vue


5.4 Receive parameters and events via $on in page2.vue

bus.$on("priceChange", (price, count) => {
      this.balance = this.totalMoney - price * count;
Generally large projects, recommended Vuex To manage communication between components

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Posted by gwbouge on Sat, 11 May 2019 06:03:24 -0700