The latest Internet Micro Services Advanced Architecture Framework JAVA Complete Set of Projects (full 120G+)

Keywords: Python Linux Anaconda Unix

1. Basic File Operations

1. Create and open files


file = open(filename,arguments)

#Parameter description:
#File: Customize, open, or create how the file will appear in the program
#filename: Direct or relative path to write a file, if there is one, open it to read
#			When followed by w,w+,a, or a+, create a file and open it if it is not present
#arguments: is a parameter, has r,rb,r+,w,wb,w+,a,ab,a+, etc.


f = open('file', 'w')	#Open file in current directory in write-only mode

2. Close Files

After opening the file, you need to close it in time to avoid unnecessary damage to the file.


file.close()		#File Opens the file for you with a custom name

3. Use with statement when opening file

Recommendation: The with statement automatically closes an open file after execution


with expression as target:
#Parameter description:
#Expression: Specifies an expression, which can be an open() function that opens a file
#target: A variable that stores the result of a run in an expression in this variable
#with-body:with statement body, some action statements


with open('/mnt/file','r') as f:

Run result:
Life is short, I learn Python!

4. Writing File Contents

file.write(string)	#File Opens the file for you with a custom name
					#String is a written string

Note: To write information, you need to specify that the open mode is writable when you open the file!

Related parameters:

w: Open file in write-only mode
 w+: After opening the file, first empty the original content, have read and write permissions on the file
 A: Open a file in append mode (write at the end of the file contents)
a+: Open the file in read-write mode (write at the end of the file content)

5. Read Files

a) Read specified characters

read()[size])		#File Opens the file for you with a custom name
						#[size] To specify the number of characters to read, if not written, read everything

Note: The read() method is used only if the mode specified is R (read-only) or r+ (read-write) when the file is opened.


with open('/mnt/file','r') as f:
    print( #read the first 4 bytes
    						#/mnt/file is: Life is short, I learn Python!

Run result:
Life is short

When a file is read using the read() method, it is read from the beginning of the file.Using the seek() method, you can move the file pointer to a new location and, when combined, read the contents of the file according to your needs.

seek() (parameter 1, parameter 2)
#Parameter Description
 #file: The name you customized when you opened the file
 #Parameter 1: Specifies the number of characters to move
 #Parameter 2: Specifies where to begin calculating the number of moving characters
 When # is 0, it means the calculation starts from the file header
 A # value of 1 indicates that the calculation starts at the current location
 A # value of 2 indicates that the calculation starts at the end of the file
 When parameter 2 is not written, default is 0

Note: If the rb mode is not used when opening a file, the relative position can only be calculated from the file header


with open('message.txt','r') as f:

Run result:
Python is so powerful that you can't imagine it!
Powerful, powerful beyond your imagination!

b) Read a line

readline(): Read one line at a time


file.readlline()		#File: The name you customized when you opened the file

Note: You need to specify an open mode of R (read-only) or r+ (read-write)


with open('/mnt/fstab', 'r') as f:
    number = 0
    while True:
        number += 1				#Line Number
        print(number, f.readline())		#Print the contents of each line
        if f.readline() == "":
            break				#Break

//Run result:

2 # /etc/fstab

3 #

4 # See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info

5 UUID=9c23ef0d-02f7-41d3-adb4-662af3530361 /                       xfs     defaults        0 0

6 UUID=186e4d32-33db-4d1b-9676-b3cce4261d57 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

3. Read all rows

readlines: Reads all rows and returns a list of strings, each containing an element

file.readlines()		#File: The name you customized when you opened the file

Note: You need to specify an open mode of R (read-only) or r+ (read-write)


with open('/mnt/fstab', 'r') as f:

//Run result:
['\n', '#\n', '# /etc/fstab\n', '# Created by anaconda on Sun Mar  3 02:41:05 2019\n', '#\n', "# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'\n", '# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info\n', '#\n', 'UUID=9c23ef0d-02f7-41d3-adb4-662af3530361 /                       xfs     defaults        0 0\n', 'UUID=fbbe7909-955c-48bb-823e-01d4a84f3f9a /boot                   xfs     defaults        0 0\n', 'UUID=186e4d32-33db-4d1b-9676-b3cce4261d57 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0\n']

When the file is large, the output of the contents of the file will be slow in this way and can be output line by line:


with open('/mnt/fstab', 'r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines() :

2. Directory operations (os module implementation)

Directories, also known as folders, are used to protect files hierarchically.

1. OS and os.path modules

Note: Different operating systems may produce different results!I take Linux as an example

Import os module

import os
		#After importing the OS module, you can also use its sub-module os.path

After importing the os module, the following variables are commonly used:

1) name: used to get the operating system type

import os


Run result:
If posix #indicates a Linux, Unix, or Mac OS operating system
 If nt #means Windows operating system

2) linesep: used to get line breaks on the current system

import os


3) sep: Used to get the path separator used by the current operating system

import os


Run result:

2. Path

The string used to locate a file or directory is called a path.

1) Relative Path

Current directory: refers to the directory where the current file is located, viewed with os.getcwd()

import os

print(os.getcwd()) #Output current directory

Run result:
/root/PycharmProjects/allen/Chapter 14 Files and IO

Relative Path = Absolute Path - Current Directory

2) Absolute Path

Absolute path refers to the actual path to a file specified when it is used


Os.path.abspath (relative path to obtain absolute path)


import os


Run result:
/root/PycharmProjects/allen/Chapter 14 Files and IO/message.txt

3) Stitching Path

If you want to stitch multiple paths together to form a new path, you can use the join() function


os.path.join(path1,path2,...,path n)

Note that using join() splicing does not detect whether a path really exists


import os


//Run result:

3. Determine if the catalog exists



	#dir_path is the directory or file to be determined, either relative or absolute
	#Existence returns True
	#No return False exists


import os


//Run result:
True		#existence
False		#Non-existent

Note: You can also determine if a file exists

4. Create a directory

1) Create a first-level directory


	#dir_path is the directory or file to be created, either relative or absolute


import os

os.mkdir('/mnt/etc')	#Create etc directory under / mnt

After running:

2) Create a multilevel directory


	#dir_path is the directory or file to be created, either relative or absolute


import os

os.makedirs('/mnt/Class A/second level/Level 3')

After running:

5. Delete directory

rmdir(): Only empty directories can be deleted


	#dir_path is the directory or file to be deleted, either relative or absolute


import os

if os.path.exists('/mnt/etc') == True:	#Determine if a directory exists
    os.rmdir('/mnt/etc')		#Delete/mnt/etc directory
    print('/mnt/etc Non-existent!')

After running:

rmtree(): Non-empty directories can be deleted

import shutil	#rmtree() function of shutil, a standard module built into Python

shutil.rmtree('/mnt/Class A')

After running:

6. Traversing directories


	#path: Specifies the root directory of the content to be traversed
	#Return value: Returns a tuple generator object with three elements


import os

for i in tuple:

Run partial results:

('/home/allen/.mozilla', ['extensions', 'plugins'], [])
Return value: Element 1, Element 2, Element 3
  Currently traversed path (string) Subdirectories (list) contained under current path Files contained under current path (list)
('/home/allen/.mozilla/extensions', [], []) 


3. Advanced File Operations

1. Delete Files

		#file_path is the file to be deleted, either relative or absolute


import os

os.remove('/mnt/file')		#Delete/mnt/file file

After running:

2. Rename files and directories


			#file_path_name1: For files to be renamed, both relative and absolute paths are possible
			#file_path_name2: For files to be renamed, both relative and absolute paths are possible


import os

if os.path.exists(name1) == True:		#Determine whether a file exists
    os.rename(name1,name2)				#rename
    print(name1+'Renamed to'+name2)

//Run result:
/mnt/fstab Renamed to/mnt/fstab111

Be careful:
The rename() function can also rename a directory, but it is the last directory name

3. Get basic information about files

The stat() function can obtain the following file information:
1) Last access time of file--st_atime
2) Last Modified Time---------------------st_mtime
3) File Size (in Bytes) ------------- st_size
4) Device Name--------------------------------------------------st_dev
5) User ID---------------------------------------st_uid
6) Group ID------------------------------------------------------st_gid
7) Hard Link Number (Number of Connected) -------st_nlink
8) Index number --------------------------------------------------------st_ino


		#file_path is the file for which information is to be obtained, either relative or absolute


import os

if os.path.exists('/mnt/fstab111') == True:
    print('/mnt/fstab111 Size is',f.st_size,'B')
    print('/mnt/fstab111 Non-existent!')

//Run result:
/mnt/fstab111 Size 501 B

Posted by mmcb on Thu, 09 May 2019 08:08:40 -0700