Analysis of the Principle of TabLayout's Setup WithViewPager Method from Source Code

Keywords: Google Android less

Today, we talk about how TabLayout and ViewPager bind to each other. Google is a real bull. With this setup WithViewPager method, they can transform TabLayout and ViewPager. We can conclude that there are three functions of tabLayout. setup WithViewPager (viewPager) by using it.
The first is to get the Title of TabLayout from VIewPager
The second is to set the Title and indicator of TabLayout when ViewPager slides.
The third is that the ViewPager changes when you click TabLayout
Let's see how the source code works:

     * The one-stop shop for setting up this {@link TabLayout} with a {@link ViewPager}.
     * <p>This is the same as calling {@link #setupWithViewPager(ViewPager, boolean)} with
     * auto-refresh enabled.</p>
     * @param viewPager the ViewPager to link to, or {@code null} to clear any previous link
    public void setupWithViewPager(@Nullable ViewPager viewPager) {
        setupWithViewPager(viewPager, true);

     * The one-stop shop for setting up this {@link TabLayout} with a {@link ViewPager}.
     * <p>This method will link the given ViewPager and this TabLayout together so that
     * changes in one are automatically reflected in the other. This includes scroll state changes
     * and clicks. The tabs displayed in this layout will be populated
     * from the ViewPager adapter's page titles.</p>
     * <p>If {@code autoRefresh} is {@code true}, any changes in the {@link PagerAdapter} will
     * trigger this layout to re-populate itself from the adapter's titles.</p>
     * <p>If the given ViewPager is non-null, it needs to already have a
     * {@link PagerAdapter} set.</p>
     * @param viewPager   the ViewPager to link to, or {@code null} to clear any previous link
     * @param autoRefresh whether this layout should refresh its contents if the given ViewPager's
     *                    content changes
    public void setupWithViewPager(@Nullable final ViewPager viewPager, boolean autoRefresh) {
        setupWithViewPager(viewPager, autoRefresh, false);

    private void setupWithViewPager(@Nullable final ViewPager viewPager, boolean autoRefresh,
            boolean implicitSetup) {
        if (mViewPager != null) {
            // If we've already been setup with a ViewPager, remove us from it
            if (mPageChangeListener != null) {
            if (mAdapterChangeListener != null) {

        if (mCurrentVpSelectedListener != null) {
            // If we already have a tab selected listener for the ViewPager, remove it
            mCurrentVpSelectedListener = null;

        if (viewPager != null) {
            mViewPager = viewPager;

            // Add our custom OnPageChangeListener to the ViewPager
            if (mPageChangeListener == null) {
                mPageChangeListener = new TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener(this);

            // Now we'll add a tab selected listener to set ViewPager's current item
            mCurrentVpSelectedListener = new ViewPagerOnTabSelectedListener(viewPager);

            final PagerAdapter adapter = viewPager.getAdapter();
            if (adapter != null) {
                // Now we'll populate ourselves from the pager adapter, adding an observer if
                // autoRefresh is enabled
                setPagerAdapter(adapter, autoRefresh);

            // Add a listener so that we're notified of any adapter changes
            if (mAdapterChangeListener == null) {
                mAdapterChangeListener = new AdapterChangeListener();

            // Now update the scroll position to match the ViewPager's current item
            setScrollPosition(viewPager.getCurrentItem(), 0f, true);
        } else {
            // We've been given a null ViewPager so we need to clear out the internal state,
            // listeners and observers
            mViewPager = null;
            setPagerAdapter(null, false);

        mSetupViewPagerImplicitly = implicitSetup;

1. Three overloaded methods, without redundant explanations, look directly at three parameters: viewPager does not need to say more, autoRefresh indicates whether to refresh the content of ViewPager when its content occurs. The default is refresh. See the first method: setupWithViewPager(viewPager, true); Explain that the default is refresh, see the third parameter implicitSetup, in fact, this parameter. I don't quite understand either. It's probably a judgment about whether to set up ViewPager or not.
2. The following methods are to remove ViewPager's listener and tab's listener, so all the three listeners we set in our code will fail. Don't step on this pit.

if (mViewPager != null) {
            // If we've already been setup with a ViewPager, remove us from it
            if (mPageChangeListener != null) {
            if (mAdapterChangeListener != null) {

        if (mCurrentVpSelectedListener != null) {
            // If we already have a tab selected listener for the ViewPager, remove it
            mCurrentVpSelectedListener = null;

3. Look down

if (mPageChangeListener == null) {
    mPageChangeListener = new TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener(this);

This is the OnPage ChangeListener that they added to ViewPager themselves. Following this information, let's see how they rewrote it. The following is their custom source code:

     * A {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener} class which contains the
     * necessary calls back to the provided {@link TabLayout} so that the tab position is
     * kept in sync.
     * <p>This class stores the provided TabLayout weakly, meaning that you can use
     * {@link ViewPager#addOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener)
     * addOnPageChangeListener(OnPageChangeListener)} without removing the listener and
     * not cause a leak.
    public static class TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener implements ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
        private final WeakReference<TabLayout> mTabLayoutRef;
        private int mPreviousScrollState;
        private int mScrollState;

        public TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener(TabLayout tabLayout) {
            mTabLayoutRef = new WeakReference<>(tabLayout);

        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(final int state) {
            mPreviousScrollState = mScrollState;
            mScrollState = state;

        public void onPageScrolled(final int position, final float positionOffset,
                final int positionOffsetPixels) {
            final TabLayout tabLayout = mTabLayoutRef.get();
            if (tabLayout != null) {
                // Only update the text selection if we're not settling, or we are settling after
                // being dragged
                final boolean updateText = mScrollState != SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING ||
                        mPreviousScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING;
                // Update the indicator if we're not settling after being idle. This is caused
                // from a setCurrentItem() call and will be handled by an animation from
                // onPageSelected() instead.
                final boolean updateIndicator = !(mScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING
                        && mPreviousScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
                tabLayout.setScrollPosition(position, positionOffset, updateText, updateIndicator);

        public void onPageSelected(final int position) {
            final TabLayout tabLayout = mTabLayoutRef.get();
            if (tabLayout != null && tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() != position
                    && position < tabLayout.getTabCount()) {
                // Select the tab, only updating the indicator if we're not being dragged/settled
                // (since onPageScrolled will handle that).
                final boolean updateIndicator = mScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
                        || (mScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING
                        && mPreviousScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
                tabLayout.selectTab(tabLayout.getTabAt(position), updateIndicator);

        void reset() {
            mPreviousScrollState = mScrollState = SCROLL_STATE_IDLE;

First of all, we see a constructor, which uses WeakReference, why weak reference, students who do not understand can go to another article:
Then we rewrite the three methods in OnPage ChangeListener. The first method is to record the scrolling state of ViewPager. Let's look at the three states of ViewPager.
The source code is as follows:

     * Indicates that the pager is in an idle, settled state. The current page
     * is fully in view and no animation is in progress.
    public static final int SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0;

     * Indicates that the pager is currently being dragged by the user.
    public static final int SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING = 1;

     * Indicates that the pager is in the process of settling to a final position.
public static final int SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING = 2;
  1. SCROLL_STATE_IDLE: Indicates that the ViewPager is idle. What is idle is that the current page of the ViewPager is fully visible without any action, including animation, scrolling, etc.
  2. SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING: Indicates that ViewPager is scrolling
  3. SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING: Represents the final position of the scroll
    So it's much easier to understand these three states and the following logic.
    Let's see what the second method, onPageScrolled, means.
    First, we get the TabLayout instance from the weak reference, then two boolean variables: updateText represents whether to update the title of TabLayout, updateIndicator represents whether to update Indicator, and then we hand over the processing to tabLayout. setScrollPosition (position, position Offset, updateText, updateIndicator). This method, let's go in and see the source code as follows. :
     * Set the scroll position of the tabs. This is useful for when the tabs are being displayed as
     * part of a scrolling container such as {@link}.
     * <p>
     * Calling this method does not update the selected tab, it is only used for drawing purposes.
     * @param position current scroll position
     * @param positionOffset Value from [0, 1) indicating the offset from {@code position}.
     * @param updateSelectedText Whether to update the text's selected state.
    public void setScrollPosition(int position, float positionOffset, boolean updateSelectedText) {
        setScrollPosition(position, positionOffset, updateSelectedText, true);

    void setScrollPosition(int position, float positionOffset, boolean updateSelectedText,
            boolean updateIndicatorPosition) {
        final int roundedPosition = Math.round(position + positionOffset);
        if (roundedPosition < 0 || roundedPosition >= mTabStrip.getChildCount()) {

        // Set the indicator position, if enabled
        if (updateIndicatorPosition) {
            mTabStrip.setIndicatorPositionFromTabPosition(position, positionOffset);

        // Now update the scroll position, canceling any running animation
        if (mScrollAnimator != null && mScrollAnimator.isRunning()) {
        scrollTo(calculateScrollXForTab(position, positionOffset), 0);

        // Update the 'selected state' view as we scroll, if enabled
        if (updateSelectedText) {
  1. The overload of the original method is not redundant.
  2. Final roundedPosition = Math. round (position + positionOffset); this method represents rounding, that is, if you slide more than half of the screen, it's based on position + 1, and if less than half roundedPositon = position
    Then this sentence
if (updateIndicatorPosition) {
          mTabStrip.setIndicatorPositionFromTabPosition(position, positionOffset);

It's the location of the indicator. Let's see how it's set up.

void setIndicatorPositionFromTabPosition(int position, float positionOffset) {
            if (mIndicatorAnimator != null && mIndicatorAnimator.isRunning()) {

            mSelectedPosition = position;
            mSelectionOffset = positionOffset;

We found that the key is this method: updateIndicatorPosition();
So we can only look at the source code of this method as follows:

private void updateIndicatorPosition() {
            final View selectedTitle = getChildAt(mSelectedPosition);
            int left, right;

            if (selectedTitle != null && selectedTitle.getWidth() > 0) {
                left = selectedTitle.getLeft();
                right = selectedTitle.getRight();

                if (mSelectionOffset > 0f && mSelectedPosition < getChildCount() - 1) {
                    // Draw the selection partway between the tabs
                    View nextTitle = getChildAt(mSelectedPosition + 1);
                    left = (int) (mSelectionOffset * nextTitle.getLeft() +
                            (1.0f - mSelectionOffset) * left);
                    right = (int) (mSelectionOffset * nextTitle.getRight() +
                            (1.0f - mSelectionOffset) * right);
            } else {
                left = right = -1;

            setIndicatorPosition(left, right);

Here determine the left and right position of the indicator to be drawn, and then

void setIndicatorPosition(int left, int right) {
            if (left != mIndicatorLeft || right != mIndicatorRight) {
                // If the indicator's left/right has changed, invalidate
                mIndicatorLeft = left;
                mIndicatorRight = right;

Through this method, left and right are assigned to mIndicator Left and mIndicator Right. Finally, draw method is called to draw the indicator. The source code is as follows:

        public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

            // Thick colored underline below the current selection
            if (mIndicatorLeft >= 0 && mIndicatorRight > mIndicatorLeft) {
                canvas.drawRect(mIndicatorLeft, getHeight() - mSelectedIndicatorHeight,
                        mIndicatorRight, getHeight(), mSelectedIndicatorPaint);

So far, when the ViewPager scrolls, the indicator is drawn.
Then, we go back to TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener's listening and continue to analyze the source code. The source code of OnPageChangeListener's third method, onPageSelected method, is as follows:

        public void onPageSelected(final int position) {
            final TabLayout tabLayout = mTabLayoutRef.get();
            if (tabLayout != null && tabLayout.getSelectedTabPosition() != position
                    && position < tabLayout.getTabCount()) {
                // Select the tab, only updating the indicator if we're not being dragged/settled
                // (since onPageScrolled will handle that).
                final boolean updateIndicator = mScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
                        || (mScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING
                        && mPreviousScrollState == SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
                tabLayout.selectTab(tabLayout.getTabAt(position), updateIndicator);

First of all, we need to know what to do to rewrite here. We know, when ViewPager scrolls, do we want to bind TabLayout and ViewPager to each other? Here's what we're doing. Let's see how to bind. Instead of pasting the source code, we'll take out the most critical code: setSelected TabView (new Position). This is how to set the binding. The source code is as follows:

private void setSelectedTabView(int position) {
        final int tabCount = mTabStrip.getChildCount();
        if (position < tabCount) {
            for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++) {
                final View child = mTabStrip.getChildAt(i);
                child.setSelected(i == position);

It's a circular binding of its child control, child.setSelected(i == position); this method is not explained, in the View class, you can see for yourself, so that the binding between TabLayout and ViewPager is clear at a glance.

Posted by smartknightinc on Sun, 21 Apr 2019 12:45:33 -0700