Beautiful Soup crawls original microblogs and pictures (code + comment) of designated users

Keywords: Python network Mobile xml

python version: 3.7


Change user_id and cookie in main_spider to their ID and cookie.
Open Microblog Mobile Edition

Enter the designated user's home page, such as Li Ronghao's home page:
1739046981 is the user id.

Log on to Weibo, enter the personal home page, right-click on the review element, switch to the Network bar, and check perserve log.
Find the url of (or other cookies) in the left name bar, find COOKIE in the right response header, and copy and paste it into the code.

image.png code

# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_

import sys
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  # Beautiful Soup is a python reptile Library
import requests  # Network Request Library
import time
from lxml import etree  # python parsing library, supporting HTML, XML, XPath parsing
from urllib.request import urlretrieve  # Used for picture download

# Change to your own user_id and cookie
user_id = YOUR_ID
cookie = {"Cookie": "YOUR_COOKIE"}
# Initial url
url = ''%user_id
# Get the html content of the initial url page, get user_id and cookie (in the response header returned)
html = requests.get(url, cookies = cookie).content
print ('user_id and cookie Successful reading')

# html element selector
selector = etree.HTML(html)
# Get the total number of microblog pages of this user through xpath
pageNum = int(selector.xpath('//input[@name="mp"]')[0].attrib['value'])

result = ""
word_count = 1  # The number of microblogs and pictures crawled
image_count = 1
imgsrc_list = [] # Picture Link List

print ('The number of pages on the user's microblog : ',pageNum)

times = 5
one_step = int(pageNum/times)
for step in range(times):
    if step < times - 1:
        i = int(step * one_step + 1)
        j = int((step + 1) * one_step + 1)
        i = int(step * one_step + 1)
        j = int(pageNum + 1)
    for page in range(i, j):
            # Target page url
            url = ''%(user_id,page)
            print('Crawling url : ',url)
            # Get the current url page microblog content
            lxml = requests.get(url, cookies = cookie).content
            selector = etree.HTML(lxml)
            # Get the microblog list on this page
            content = selector.xpath('//span[@class="ctt"]')
            # Travel through each microblog
            for each in content:
                # Get the text content, add result, and record the number of entries
                text = each.xpath('string(.)')
                text = "%d: "%(word_count) +text+"\n"
                result = result + text
                word_count += 1
            print ('The first%d Page microblog content crawling completed'%(page))

            # Instantiate the current page lxml into a soup object
            soup = BeautifulSoup(lxml, "lxml")
            # Get all picture links
            urllist = soup.find_all(class_='ib')
            # Traverse through each image url and add
            for imgurl in urllist:
                imgsrc = imgurl.get('src')
                image_count += 1
            print ('The first%d The page image crawl is completed and the following image is obtained:\n%s'%(page,imgsrc_list))
            print ('The first',page,'Page error')

        time.sleep(0.001)  # Crawl per page interval
    print ('In progress', step + 1, 'Pause once to prevent too many visits')

    # Open the text store file and create a new one if it does not exist
    fo_txt = open(os.getcwd()+"/%d"%user_id+".txt", "w")
    result_path = os.getcwd() + '/%d' % user_id+".txt"
    print('The path of content text storage in microblog is :',result_path)
    fo_txt.write(result)  # Write the result to a file
    print('Climbing success!\n The user's microblog content:\n\n%s\n Text storage path is%s' % (result,result_path))

    print ('Failure to save text content on microblog')

if not imgsrc_list:
    print ('There are no pictures in the user's original microblog')
    # Picture Storage Folder Path
    if os.path.exists(picdir) is False:
        os.mkdir(picdir)  # If not, build a new one
    img_index = 1

    # Traverse pictures
    for imgurl in imgsrc_list:
        # Picture Local Storage Path
        img_path = picdir + '/%s.jpg' % img_index
        print('Being preserved',img_path)
        # Download pictures to local locations
        urlretrieve(imgurl, img_path)
        img_index += 1
    print('The user's microblog picture download completed! Share%d Picture, store folder %s'%(img_index,picdir))

Operating screenshots:


The crawled microblog content files will be put into the corresponding txt files of users in the project directory (automatic generation).
Place the image under the corresponding weibo_image file.


Posted by Tylor_Famous on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 12:21:33 -0700