element-UI cascade selector (Cascader echo, default display item) - (format conversion of returned results) - Code section

Keywords: REST

el-cascader component: format conversion

Sometimes an error is reported: TypeError: thsAreaCode.replace is not a function (the bug screenshot is as follows)

To put it bluntly, the component returns an array instead of a string. So you can't use the. replace method to transform the format.
Thus: only then has the following modification code.

In order to solve the above problems, first look at the example code in the article:

All relevant codes:

<el-form-item label="Job address" :label-width="labelWidth">
		ref="cascaderAddr"        //  Note 1:
		v-model="form.areaCode"    // Note 2:
<el-form-item label="" :label-width="labelWidth">
	<el-input v-model="form.detailaddress" placeholder="Please enter the applicant's job-hunting area, e.g. near Pearl Square, Jingkai District." autocomplete="off"></el-input>


import cityOptions from '../../../static/js/area.min.js'       // Note 3:

const areaLabel='' // Stitching three-level linkage address code//Note 4:

  export default {
		name: 'shareResume',
		areaLabel,               // Note 5:
    	data() {
      		return {
				isLoading: false, // Desperately Loading
				resumes :[],
				/* Right Hover Bar*/
				form: {
					areaCode: ['340000','340100','340111'], // Three-level linkage area code default display//Note 6:
					detailaddress: "", //Detailed address entered manually
        method: {
			// Three-level address selection: onbulr event
			onBlurAddressFun: function(e,areaLabel){
				areaLabel = this.$refs['cascaderAddr'].currentLabels;
				// console.log(typeof(areaLabel));
				areaLabel = areaLabel.join("/"); // Type Conversion + Format Conversion
				// console.log(typeof(areaLabel));
				// areaLabel = areaLabel.replace(/,/gi,"_");
			ajaxRegisterApi: function (form,isLoading,areaLabel) {  
				// Job Search Address Processing
				// Stitching strings
				areaLabel = this.$refs['cascaderAddr'].currentLabels;
				areaLabel = areaLabel.join("/"); // Type Conversion + Format Conversion
				// console.log("areaLabel2="+areaLabel);
				var stringAddr = areaLabel + "-" +this.form.detailaddress; // Three-level Address Linkage + Manual Input
				// ··· The rest of the code is omitted···

Modified Code: (Contrast: Refer to Article 1)

		// Three-level address selection: onbulr event
			handleAddressFun: function(e,form,thsAreaCode){
				thsAreaCode = this.$refs['cascaderAddr'].currentLabels;
				// console.log(typeof(thsAreaCode));
				thsAreaCode = thsAreaCode.join("/");     // Note 4: Type Conversion + Format Conversion
				// console.log(typeof(thsAreaCode));
				// thsAreaCode = thsAreaCode.replace(/,/gi,"_");

Be careful:

This is all about "element-UI cascade selector (Cascader echo, default display item) - (returned results) format conversion - Code section".

Posted by jasonhardwick on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 21:39:34 -0700