SUSE12Sp3 installation configuration. net core production environment - install and use the Supervisor daemon. net core process

Keywords: Linux supervisor sudo Python shell

1. Install setuptools

Place the setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz installation package on the server

tar zxvf setuptools-0.6c11.tar.gz   
cd setuptools-0.6c11
sudo python build
sudo python install
2. Installing meld

Place the meld3-1.0.2.tar.gz installation package on the server

tar -zxvf meld3-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd meld3-1.0.2
sudo python install
3. Installing supervisor

Place the supervisor-3.3.3.tar.gz installation package on the server

tar -zxvf supervisor-3.3.3.tar.gz
cd supervisor-3.3.3
sudo python install
4. Verify the success of supervisor installation
supervisorctl --help

As follows, the installation was successful

supervisorctl -- control applications run by supervisord from the cmd line.

Usage: /usr/bin/supervisorctl [options] [action [arguments]]

-c/--configuration FILENAME -- configuration file path (searches if not given)
-h/--help -- print usage message and exit
-i/--interactive -- start an interactive shell after executing commands
-s/--serverurl URL -- URL on which supervisord server is listening
     (default "http://localhost:9001").
-u/--username USERNAME -- username to use for authentication with server
-p/--password PASSWORD -- password to use for authentication with server
-r/--history-file -- keep a readline history (if readline is available)

action [arguments] -- see below

Actions are commands like "tail" or "stop".  If -i is specified or no action is
specified on the command line, a "shell" interpreting actions typed
interactively is started.  Use the action "help" to find out about available
5. Configure supervisor daemon. net core program
Sudo vi/etc/supervisord.conf# Write configuration files 
Copy the following to the file, # followed by the ____________ 
port= ;It depends on you. IP Self-revision. You can also fill in,But it can only be accessed locally.

[program:WebApplicationl] ; program Then came the name of my own visit.
command=dotnet WebApplication1.dll  ;Here is the command to execute
directory=/home/allspark/Downloads/Test ;Which path is the command executed here?
autostart=true   ;Set to true The child process will be supervisord Start automatically after startup
autorestart=true ;Set up automatic restart after child process hangs up
stderr_logfile=/var/log/HelloWebApp.err.log ;Here is the path to the log
stdout_logfile=/var/log/HelloWebApp.out.log ;Here is the path to the log


Here we switch to the root account login server and type a command

supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf

Visit ip:7004 to see the running project

At this time, you can also access your program's ip: port for access.

Posted by bhavik_thegame on Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:45:19 -0800