Technical article | nginx lua small project: displaying different pages according to user_agent incidental and php performance comparison

Keywords: Mobile Nginx PHP Android

This article is from the Aliyun-Yunqi community, click on the original article Here.

How to learn a new language quickly?
If you have mastered a language, all other languages are well thought out. A small need, may encounter many problems, but search for relevant keywords, can quickly achieve a small goal, twice the result with half the effort.
It's too boring to memorize manuals by rote. I can't read them anymore. I'd better go straight to a small project.

 A small need

There are two sets of pages in an address of pc and mobile, and different pages need to be displayed in the back end according to the user_agent of the browser.
It can be done through php, of course, but the amount of active page visits is generally large, want to optimize some, so want to try lua.

 Nginx installation lua-nginx-module

You can go directly to openresty, but sometimes you just want to toss around.
Installation steps (If you want to practice, look at it again.)

 lua demo script

-- Determine whether it's a mobile browser or not?
function isMobile(userAgent)
    -- 99% You can match the first three.
    local mobile = {
        "phone", "android", "mobile", "itouch", "ipod", "symbian", "htc", "palmos", "blackberry", "opera mini", "windows ce", "nokia", "fennec",
        "hiptop", "kindle", "mot", "webos", "samsung", "sonyericsson", "wap", "avantgo", "eudoraweb", "minimo", "netfront", "teleca"
    userAgent = string.lower(userAgent)

    for i, v in ipairs(mobile) do
        if string.match(userAgent, v) then
            return true

    return false

-- according to id + Browser Type Display Activity Page
function showPromotionHtml(id, isMobile)
    local path = "/data/www/mengkang/demo/promotion/"
    local filename

    if isMobile then
        path = path .. "mobile"
        path = path .. "pc"

    filename = path .. "/" .. id .. ".html"

    if file_exists(filename) then
        local file =,"r")
        print("file does not exist: " .. string.gsub(filename, "/data/www/mengkang/demo", ""))

-- Determine whether a file exists
function file_exists(path)
    local file =, "rb")
    if file then file:close() end
    return file ~= nil

local id = 1
local userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.79 Safari/537.36"
showPromotionHtml(id, isMobile(userAgent))


As a lua rookie, what information did I check through this small requirement?

 Expand the full text

Posted by pl_towers on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 09:57:17 -0800