Through hard work, we finally achieved the effect of that demand. When do_action opens the form view of the logistics sheet, target is set to current, flags parameter is added, set to'form': {action_buttons': true,'options': {mode':'edit'}. The overall code is as follows:
self.do_action({ name: ctx['name'], type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: 'logistics.bill', view_mode: 'form', view_type: 'form', views: [[false, 'form']], target: 'current', res_id: res_id, flags: {'form': {'action_buttons': true, 'options': {'mode': 'edit'}}}, context: ctx, params: { model: self.dataset.model, // self.dataset.get_context() could be a compound? // not sure. action's context should be evaluated // so safer bet. Odd that timezone & al in it // though context: self.getParent().action.context, } }, { on_reverse_breadcrumb: function () { self.reload(); }, on_close: function () { self.reload(); } });
Hope to be helpful to the students who have this need!