Successfully picking up a girl in a week, Python automatically sends weather forecast to the goddess friend regularly!

Keywords: Python JSON

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Main Ideas


1. Get a list of friends from wxpy

2. Create timers

3. Timer trigger function

4. Function execution, traversing the list of friends

5. Friend object executes a parametric function with the parameter of the Friend City.

6. The function requests Baidu weather interface, gets the weather data corresponding to the friend, parses and processes the data, sends weather information, and completes the sending of the object.

7. End of traversal, end of sending


Defect: Launch failed after packaging as exe file because the timer could not find trigger. To solve this problem, you need to check Apscheduler information.

Solution: Change a timer.

Perform normally on the compiler.

When packaged as exe, it can be easily distributed to others. Every morning at 5:30 a.m., the weather forecast in the effect map will be sent automatically to all the friends after scanning the code.


Complete code

from wxpy import *

import requests

from datetime import datetime

import time

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler#Timing Framework

bot = Bot(cache_path=True)

#tuling = Tuling(api_key=Your api')#Robot api

def send_weather(location):

#Get ready url address

    path =''

    url = path % location

    response = requests.get(url)

    result = response.json()

    #If the city is wrong, send the weather according to Puyang

    if result['error'] !=0:

        location ='Puyang'

        url = path % location

        response = requests.get(url)

        result = response.json()

    str0 = ('    Good morning! This is today's weather forecast!... Robot: PyChatBot\n')

    results = result['results']

    # Remove Data Dictionary

    data1 = results[0]

    # Get out of the city

    city = data1['currentCity']

    str1 ='    Your City: %s\n' % city

    # take out pm2.5 value

    pm25 = data1['pm25']

    str2 ='    Pm value    : %s\n' % pm25

    # Converting strings to integers Otherwise, you can't compare sizes.

    if pm25 =='':
        pm25 =0

        pm25 =int(pm25)

    # adopt pm2.5 Judging pollution index by value

    if 0 <= pm25 <35:

        pollution ='excellent'

    elif 35 <= pm25 <75:

        pollution ='good'

    elif 75 <= pm25 <115:

        pollution ='Mild pollution'

    elif 115 <= pm25 <150:

        pollution ='Moderate pollution'

    elif 150 <= pm25 <250:

        pollution ='Heavy pollution'

    elif pm25 >=250:

        pollution ='Serious pollution'

    str3 ='    pollution index: %s\n' % pollution

    result1 = results[0]

    weather_data = result1['weather_data']

    data = weather_data[0]

    temperature_now = data['date']

    str4 ='    Current temperature: %s\n' % temperature_now

    wind = data['wind']

    str5 ='    wind direction    : %s\n' % wind

    weather = data['weather']

    str6 ='    weather    : %s\n' % weather

    str7 ='    temperature    : %s\n' % data['temperature']

    message = data1['index']

    str8 ='    Dress    : %s\n' % message[0]['des']

    str9 ='    I'm very considerate.: %s\n' % message[2]['des']

    str10 ='    motion    : %s\n' % message[3]['des']

    str11 ='    Ultraviolet rays : %s\n' % message[4]['des']

    str = str0 + str1 + str2 + str3 + str4 + str5 + str6 + str7 + str8 + str9 + str10 + str11

    return str

#Friends List

my_friends = []

my_friends = bot.friends()


#Sender function

def send_message():

#Send it to all your friends

    for friend in my_friends:

#Send me a successful notification


    bot.file_helper.send('Send out')



sched = BlockingScheduler()

sched.add_job(send_message,'cron',month='1-12',day='1-31',hour=5,minute =30)


Posted by wei on Thu, 24 Jan 2019 15:15:13 -0800