(53) Android O wifi State Machine Message Processing and State Switching Process Analysis - Take WifiController as an Example

Keywords: Android Attribute

Foreword: Recently, I wrote several blogs about wifi state machine, but the state transition has been a long way to go. I feel that the upper process of code pair has been sorted out. I haven't really paid attention to the state switching and message processing process. Now I'll sort it out.

1. Brief Introduction of Wifi State Machine Message Processing and State Switching Process

Otherwise, let's put a log printed by WifiController when WiFi is open to get an intuitive understanding of the state machine message processing and state switching process.

//StaDisabled WithScanState begins processing CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED messages issued by the wifi open process

06-25 18:53:28.518   835   982 D WifiController: StaDisabledWithScanState CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED{ when=-1ms what=155656 target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }

/ / StaDisabled WithScanState handles CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED messages issued by wifi open process, and the state changes to DeviceActiveState, which is the parent state of DeviceActiveState and enter s the parent-child state in turn.

06-25 18:53:28.518   835   982 D WifiController: Enter StaEnabledState mScreenOff=false

06-25 18:53:28.518   835   982 D WifiController: Enter DeviceActiveState mScreenOff=false

Two steps are abstracted from the log s above

  1. The current state handles messages, which can be handled as soon as possible, but cannot be handled until the state thrown to the parent class is processed or stateless.
  2. If the state changes are involved in the current state processing message, the exit method and the enter method of the change state are entered in turn (conditionally considering whether to call the exit and enter methods of the parent class, see Section 2.3.2, depending on the activity attribute).

PS: exit log not printed, embarrassing

Next, the process of WifiController from initialization to processing CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED messages is used as a template to sort out.

2. WifiController code flow analysis

Prior to 49) State Mode in Android O Wifi - State Initialization of WifiStateMachine Initialization of Wifi Controller has not been sorted out yet, which happens to be sorted out together from the Wifi State Machine.

2.1 Initialization of WifiController

WifiController is also an inherited StateMachine. Since it's a state machine, there are the following trilogy as initialization

  • addState
  • setInitialState
  • start

The first two steps are done in WifiController's constructor

 WifiController(Context context, WifiStateMachine wsm, WifiSettingsStore wss,
            WifiLockManager wifiLockManager, Looper looper, FrameworkFacade f) {
        super(TAG, looper);
        mFacade = f;
        mContext = context;
        mWifiStateMachine = wsm;
        mSettingsStore = wss;
        mWifiLockManager = wifiLockManager;

        mAlarmManager = (AlarmManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
        Intent idleIntent = new Intent(ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE, null);
        mIdleIntent = mFacade.getBroadcast(mContext, IDLE_REQUEST, idleIntent, 0);

            addState(mApStaDisabledState, mDefaultState);
            addState(mStaEnabledState, mDefaultState);
                addState(mDeviceActiveState, mStaEnabledState);
                addState(mDeviceInactiveState, mStaEnabledState);
                    addState(mScanOnlyLockHeldState, mDeviceInactiveState);
                    addState(mFullLockHeldState, mDeviceInactiveState);
                    addState(mFullHighPerfLockHeldState, mDeviceInactiveState);
                    addState(mNoLockHeldState, mDeviceInactiveState);
            addState(mStaDisabledWithScanState, mDefaultState);
            addState(mApEnabledState, mDefaultState);
            addState(mEcmState, mDefaultState);

        boolean isAirplaneModeOn = mSettingsStore.isAirplaneModeOn();
        boolean isWifiEnabled = mSettingsStore.isWifiToggleEnabled();
        boolean isScanningAlwaysAvailable = mSettingsStore.isScanAlwaysAvailable();

        log("isAirplaneModeOn = " + isAirplaneModeOn +
                ", isWifiEnabled = " + isWifiEnabled +
                ", isScanningAvailable = " + isScanningAlwaysAvailable);

        if (isScanningAlwaysAvailable) {
        } else {

The main thing is that start is tightly integrated with the process.

As I said before, WifiService Impl is initialized inside WifiService

public final class WifiService extends SystemService {

    private static final String TAG = "WifiService";
    final WifiServiceImpl mImpl;

    public WifiService(Context context) {
        mImpl = new WifiServiceImpl(context, new WifiInjector(context), new WifiAsyncChannel(TAG));

    public void onStart() {
        Log.i(TAG, "Registering " + Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        publishBinderService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE, mImpl);

    public void onBootPhase(int phase) {
        if (phase == SystemService.PHASE_SYSTEM_SERVICES_READY) {

    public void onSwitchUser(int userId) {

    public void onUnlockUser(int userId) {

    public void onStopUser(int userId) {

In the constructor initialized by WifiService Impl, many wifi variables including WifiState Machine and WifiController are captured by WifiInjector.

        mWifiController = mWifiInjector.getWifiController();

In fact, many wifi variables, including WifiStateMachine and WifiController, are initialized in the constructor of wifi Injector. The creation of wifi Injector can be seen from the construction method of WifiService.

        mWifiStateMachine = new WifiStateMachine(mContext, mFrameworkFacade,
                wifiStateMachineLooper, UserManager.get(mContext),
                this, mBackupManagerProxy, mCountryCode, mWifiNative,
                new WrongPasswordNotifier(mContext, mFrameworkFacade));

        mWifiController = new WifiController(mContext, mWifiStateMachine, mSettingsStore,
                mLockManager, mWifiServiceHandlerThread.getLooper(), mFrameworkFacade);

WifiController's start method is called by WifiService's onBootPhase method to check AndStartWifi of WifiService Impl:

     * Check if we are ready to start wifi.
     * First check if we will be restarting system services to decrypt the device. If the device is
     * not encrypted, check if Wi-Fi needs to be enabled and start if needed
     * This function is used only at boot time.
    public void checkAndStartWifi() {

Well, Wifi Controller's simple start-up is finished. In short, WifiService has completed the initialization of Wifi Controller, and no further research is needed.

2.2 Logical Carding in the Initialization of WifiController

This part of logic is actually sum 49) State Mode in Android O Wifi - State Initialization of WifiStateMachine The same, but different implementations

The addState process, as mentioned in the previous WifiState Machine, is actually building a tree structure:

The setInitialState process does not say much about setting an initialization variable, that is, the initial state of WifiController is ApStaDisabled State (excluding isScanning Always Available for true).

     * Set the initial state. This must be invoked before
     * and messages are sent to the state machine.
     * @param initialState is the state which will receive the first message.
    public final void setInitialState(State initialState) {
        /** @see StateMachine#setInitialState(State) */
        private final void setInitialState(State initialState) {
            if (mDbg) mSm.log("setInitialState: initialState=" + initialState.getName());
            mInitialState = initialState;

Look mainly at the start method

     * Start the state machine.
    public void start() {
        // mSmHandler can be null if the state machine has quit.
        SmHandler smh = mSmHandler;
        if (smh == null) return;

        /** Send the complete construction message */
         * Complete the construction of the state machine.
        private final void completeConstruction() {
            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: E");

             * Determine the maximum depth of the state hierarchy
             * so we can allocate the state stacks.
            int maxDepth = 0;
            for (StateInfo si : mStateInfo.values()) {
                int depth = 0;
                for (StateInfo i = si; i != null; depth++) {
                    i = i.parentStateInfo;
                if (maxDepth < depth) {
                    maxDepth = depth;
            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: maxDepth=" + maxDepth);

            mStateStack = new StateInfo[maxDepth];
            mTempStateStack = new StateInfo[maxDepth];

            /** Sending SM_INIT_CMD message to invoke enter methods asynchronously */
            sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(obtainMessage(SM_INIT_CMD, mSmHandlerObj));

            if (mDbg) mSm.log("completeConstruction: X");

setupInitialStateStack() initializes two arrays mStateStack and mTempStateStack

         * Initialize StateStack to mInitialState.
        private final void setupInitialStateStack() {
            if (mDbg) {
                mSm.log("setupInitialStateStack: E mInitialState=" + mInitialState.getName());

            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateInfo.get(mInitialState);
            for (mTempStateStackCount = 0; curStateInfo != null; mTempStateStackCount++) {
                mTempStateStack[mTempStateStackCount] = curStateInfo;
                curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;

            // Empty the StateStack
            mStateStackTopIndex = -1;

         * Move the contents of the temporary stack to the state stack
         * reversing the order of the items on the temporary stack as
         * they are moved.
         * @return index into mStateStack where entering needs to start
        private final int moveTempStateStackToStateStack() {
            int startingIndex = mStateStackTopIndex + 1;
            int i = mTempStateStackCount - 1;
            int j = startingIndex;
            while (i >= 0) {
                if (mDbg) mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: i=" + i + ",j=" + j);
                mStateStack[j] = mTempStateStack[i];
                j += 1;
                i -= 1;

            mStateStackTopIndex = j - 1;
            if (mDbg) {
                mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=" + mStateStackTopIndex
                        + ",startingIndex=" + startingIndex + ",Top="
                        + mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state.getName());
            return startingIndex;
So the mStateStack and mTempStateStack are initialized here as shown in the figure below.

Then an initialization message is sent

            /** Sending SM_INIT_CMD message to invoke enter methods asynchronously */
            sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(obtainMessage(SM_INIT_CMD, mSmHandlerObj));

StateMachine's internal class SMHander starts processing

         * Handle messages sent to the state machine by calling
         * the current state's processMessage. It also handles
         * the enter/exit calls and placing any deferred messages
         * back onto the queue when transitioning to a new state.
        public final void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            if (!mHasQuit) {
                if (mSm != null && msg.what != SM_INIT_CMD && msg.what != SM_QUIT_CMD) {

                if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: E msg.what=" + msg.what);

                /** Save the current message */
                mMsg = msg;

                /** State that processed the message */
                State msgProcessedState = null;
                if (mIsConstructionCompleted || (mMsg.what == SM_QUIT_CMD)) {
                    /** Normal path */
                    msgProcessedState = processMsg(msg);
                } else if (!mIsConstructionCompleted && (mMsg.what == SM_INIT_CMD)
                        && (mMsg.obj == mSmHandlerObj)) {
                    /** Initial one time path. */
                    mIsConstructionCompleted = true;
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("StateMachine.handleMessage: "
                            + "The start method not called, received msg: " + msg);
                performTransitions(msgProcessedState, msg);

                // We need to check if mSm == null here as we could be quitting.
                if (mDbg && mSm != null) mSm.log("handleMessage: X");

                if (mSm != null && msg.what != SM_INIT_CMD && msg.what != SM_QUIT_CMD) {

mIsConstructionCompleted was initially false, after all, it has not been initialized, and the default is false. Go to invoke Enter Method

         * Invoke the enter method starting at the entering index to top of state stack
        private final void invokeEnterMethods(int stateStackEnteringIndex) {
            for (int i = stateStackEnteringIndex; i <= mStateStackTopIndex; i++) {
                if (stateStackEnteringIndex == mStateStackTopIndex) {
                    // Last enter state for transition
                    mTransitionInProgress = false;
                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeEnterMethods: " + mStateStack[i].state.getName());
                mStateStack[i].active = true;
            mTransitionInProgress = false; // ensure flag set to false if no methods called

This side is actually traversing the mStateStack array, going through the enter method one by one, and setting the activity to true. You can see the enter method in the parent state, and then the enter method in the child class.

The following performance Transitions method is not yet effective as the key method for state change, because destState is null.

         * Do any transitions
         * @param msgProcessedState is the state that processed the message
        private void performTransitions(State msgProcessedState, Message msg) {
             * If transitionTo has been called, exit and then enter
             * the appropriate states. We loop on this to allow
             * enter and exit methods to use transitionTo.
            State orgState = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state;

             * Record whether message needs to be logged before we transition and
             * and we won't log special messages SM_INIT_CMD or SM_QUIT_CMD which
             * always set msg.obj to the handler.
            boolean recordLogMsg = mSm.recordLogRec(mMsg) && (msg.obj != mSmHandlerObj);

            if (mLogRecords.logOnlyTransitions()) {
                /** Record only if there is a transition */
                if (mDestState != null) {
                    mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState,
                            orgState, mDestState);
            } else if (recordLogMsg) {
                /** Record message */
                mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState, orgState,

            State destState = mDestState;
            if (destState != null) {
                 * Process the transitions including transitions in the enter/exit methods
                while (true) {
                    if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter");

                     * Determine the states to exit and enter and return the
                     * common ancestor state of the enter/exit states. Then
                     * invoke the exit methods then the enter methods.
                    StateInfo commonStateInfo = setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter(destState);
                    // flag is cleared in invokeEnterMethods before entering the target state
                    mTransitionInProgress = true;
                    int stateStackEnteringIndex = moveTempStateStackToStateStack();

                     * Since we have transitioned to a new state we need to have
                     * any deferred messages moved to the front of the message queue
                     * so they will be processed before any other messages in the
                     * message queue.

                    if (destState != mDestState) {
                        // A new mDestState so continue looping
                        destState = mDestState;
                    } else {
                        // No change in mDestState so we're done
                mDestState = null;

             * After processing all transitions check and
             * see if the last transition was to quit or halt.
            if (destState != null) {
                if (destState == mQuittingState) {
                     * Call onQuitting to let subclasses cleanup.
                } else if (destState == mHaltingState) {
                     * Call onHalting() if we've transitioned to the halting
                     * state. All subsequent messages will be processed in
                     * in the halting state which invokes haltedProcessMessage(msg);

2.3 WifiController Receiving CMD_WIFI_TOGG LED

When WifiController receives CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED, the process is the same and the details are different.
         * Handle messages sent to the state machine by calling
         * the current state's processMessage. It also handles
         * the enter/exit calls and placing any deferred messages
         * back onto the queue when transitioning to a new state.
        public final void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            if (!mHasQuit) {
                if (mSm != null && msg.what != SM_INIT_CMD && msg.what != SM_QUIT_CMD) {

                if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: E msg.what=" + msg.what);

                /** Save the current message */
                mMsg = msg;

                /** State that processed the message */
                State msgProcessedState = null;
                if (mIsConstructionCompleted || (mMsg.what == SM_QUIT_CMD)) {
                    /** Normal path */
                    msgProcessedState = processMsg(msg);
                } else if (!mIsConstructionCompleted && (mMsg.what == SM_INIT_CMD)
                        && (mMsg.obj == mSmHandlerObj)) {
                    /** Initial one time path. */
                    mIsConstructionCompleted = true;
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("StateMachine.handleMessage: "
                            + "The start method not called, received msg: " + msg);
                performTransitions(msgProcessedState, msg);

                // We need to check if mSm == null here as we could be quitting.
                if (mDbg && mSm != null) mSm.log("handleMessage: X");

                if (mSm != null && msg.what != SM_INIT_CMD && msg.what != SM_QUIT_CMD) {

onPreHandleMessage and onPostHandleMessage remind me of AsyncTask, but their implementations are empty, regardless.

As mentioned above, the two red spots correspond to the beginning.

  1. The current state handles messages, which can be handled as soon as possible, but cannot be handled until the state thrown to the parent class is processed or stateless.
  2. If the state changes are involved in the current state processing message, the exit method and the enter method of the change state are entered in turn (conditionally considering whether to call the exit and enter methods of the parent class, see Section 2.3.2, depending on the activity attribute).

2.3.1 Step 1

Let's first look at how the initialized mIsConstructionCompleted becomes true, so we're going to take the first step.

msgProcessedState = processMsg(msg);
         * Process the message. If the current state doesn't handle
         * it, call the states parent and so on. If it is never handled then
         * call the state machines unhandledMessage method.
         * @return the state that processed the message
        private final State processMsg(Message msg) {
            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex];
            if (mDbg) {
                mSm.log("processMsg: " + curStateInfo.state.getName());

            if (isQuit(msg)) {
            } else {
                while (!curStateInfo.state.processMessage(msg)) {
                     * Not processed
                    curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;
                    if (curStateInfo == null) {
                         * No parents left so it's not handled
                    if (mDbg) {
                        mSm.log("processMsg: " + curStateInfo.state.getName());
            return (curStateInfo != null) ? curStateInfo.state : null;
The process of processing messages begins with "
  1. The current state handles messages, which can be handled as soon as possible, but cannot be handled until the state thrown to the parent class is processed or stateless.

This is the logic.

Called during processing CMD_WIFI_TOGGLED like ApStaDisabledState


    public final void transitionTo(IState destState) {

       /** @see StateMachine#transitionTo(IState) */
        private final void transitionTo(IState destState) {
            if (mTransitionInProgress) {
                Log.wtf(mSm.mName, "transitionTo called while transition already in progress to " +
                        mDestState + ", new target state=" + destState);
            mDestState = (State) destState;
            if (mDbg) mSm.log("transitionTo: destState=" + mDestState.getName());

mDestState becomes mDeviceActiveState

This makes the performance Transitions (msg Processed State, msg) in handleMessage useful. This is the second step.

2.3.2 Step 2

         * Do any transitions
         * @param msgProcessedState is the state that processed the message
        private void performTransitions(State msgProcessedState, Message msg) {
             * If transitionTo has been called, exit and then enter
             * the appropriate states. We loop on this to allow
             * enter and exit methods to use transitionTo.
            State orgState = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state;

             * Record whether message needs to be logged before we transition and
             * and we won't log special messages SM_INIT_CMD or SM_QUIT_CMD which
             * always set msg.obj to the handler.
            boolean recordLogMsg = mSm.recordLogRec(mMsg) && (msg.obj != mSmHandlerObj);

            if (mLogRecords.logOnlyTransitions()) {
                /** Record only if there is a transition */
                if (mDestState != null) {
                    mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState,
                            orgState, mDestState);
            } else if (recordLogMsg) {
                /** Record message */
                mLogRecords.add(mSm, mMsg, mSm.getLogRecString(mMsg), msgProcessedState, orgState,

            State destState = mDestState;
            if (destState != null) {
                 * Process the transitions including transitions in the enter/exit methods
                while (true) {
                    if (mDbg) mSm.log("handleMessage: new destination call exit/enter");

                     * Determine the states to exit and enter and return the
                     * common ancestor state of the enter/exit states. Then
                     * invoke the exit methods then the enter methods.
                    StateInfo commonStateInfo = setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter(destState);
                    // flag is cleared in invokeEnterMethods before entering the target state
                    mTransitionInProgress = true;
                    int stateStackEnteringIndex = moveTempStateStackToStateStack();

                     * Since we have transitioned to a new state we need to have
                     * any deferred messages moved to the front of the message queue
                     * so they will be processed before any other messages in the
                     * message queue.

                    if (destState != mDestState) {
                        // A new mDestState so continue looping
                        destState = mDestState;
                    } else {
                        // No change in mDestState so we're done
                mDestState = null;

             * After processing all transitions check and
             * see if the last transition was to quit or halt.
            if (destState != null) {
                if (destState == mQuittingState) {
                     * Call onQuitting to let subclasses cleanup.
                } else if (destState == mHaltingState) {
                     * Call onHalting() if we've transitioned to the halting
                     * state. All subsequent messages will be processed in
                     * in the halting state which invokes haltedProcessMessage(msg);

Look at the first while loop

         * Setup the mTempStateStack with the states we are going to enter.
         * This is found by searching up the destState's ancestors for a
         * state that is already active i.e. StateInfo.active == true.
         * The destStae and all of its inactive parents will be on the
         * TempStateStack as the list of states to enter.
         * @return StateInfo of the common ancestor for the destState and
         * current state or null if there is no common parent.
        private final StateInfo setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter(State destState) {
             * Search up the parent list of the destination state for an active
             * state. Use a do while() loop as the destState must always be entered
             * even if it is active. This can happen if we are exiting/entering
             * the current state.
            mTempStateStackCount = 0;
            StateInfo curStateInfo = mStateInfo.get(destState);
            do {
                mTempStateStack[mTempStateStackCount++] = curStateInfo;
                curStateInfo = curStateInfo.parentStateInfo;
            } while ((curStateInfo != null) && !curStateInfo.active);

            if (mDbg) {
                mSm.log("setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount="
                        + mTempStateStackCount + ",curStateInfo: " + curStateInfo);
            return curStateInfo;
mTempStackStack becomes

mDefaultState does not continue looping because the active is true

A flag is set here.

                    // flag is cleared in invokeEnterMethods before entering the target state
                    mTransitionInProgress = true;

Then proceed

         * Call the exit method for each state from the top of stack
         * up to the common ancestor state.
        private final void invokeExitMethods(StateInfo commonStateInfo) {
            while ((mStateStackTopIndex >= 0)
                    && (mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex] != commonStateInfo)) {
                State curState = mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state;
                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeExitMethods: " + curState.getName());
                mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].active = false;
                mStateStackTopIndex -= 1;

mStateStack before invocation

First, call the exit method of ApStaDisabledState to set the activity to false; then call the exit method of DefaultState to set the activity to false, which is the opposite of the enter method.

Keep looking down

                    int stateStackEnteringIndex = moveTempStateStackToStateStack();
         * Move the contents of the temporary stack to the state stack
         * reversing the order of the items on the temporary stack as
         * they are moved.
         * @return index into mStateStack where entering needs to start
        private final int moveTempStateStackToStateStack() {
            int startingIndex = mStateStackTopIndex + 1;
            int i = mTempStateStackCount - 1;
            int j = startingIndex;
            while (i >= 0) {
                if (mDbg) mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: i=" + i + ",j=" + j);
                mStateStack[j] = mTempStateStack[i];
                j += 1;
                i -= 1;

            mStateStackTopIndex = j - 1;
            if (mDbg) {
                mSm.log("moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=" + mStateStackTopIndex
                        + ",startingIndex=" + startingIndex + ",Top="
                        + mStateStack[mStateStackTopIndex].state.getName());
            return startingIndex;
After reverse order

Continue calling the enter method of DeviceActiveState and set its activity to true.

         * Invoke the enter method starting at the entering index to top of state stack
        private final void invokeEnterMethods(int stateStackEnteringIndex) {
            for (int i = stateStackEnteringIndex; i <= mStateStackTopIndex; i++) {
                if (stateStackEnteringIndex == mStateStackTopIndex) {
                    // Last enter state for transition
                    mTransitionInProgress = false;
                if (mDbg) mSm.log("invokeEnterMethods: " + mStateStack[i].state.getName());
                mStateStack[i].active = true;
            mTransitionInProgress = false; // ensure flag set to false if no methods called

Later, the delayed message is processed in front of the queue, and if mDestState changes again in the process, then the while loop is repeated for the second time.

                     * Since we have transitioned to a new state we need to have
                     * any deferred messages moved to the front of the message queue
                     * so they will be processed before any other messages in the
                     * message queue.

                    if (destState != mDestState) {
                        // A new mDestState so continue looping
                        destState = mDestState;
                    } else {
                        // No change in mDestState so we're done

This corresponds to the second step of the above analysis: "If the current state processing message involves state changes, then exit method and enter method of changing state in turn (conditionally considering whether to call exit and enter method of the parent class, see Section 2.3.2, depending on the active property)", where the exit state of the parent class is invoked, and the enter method is no longer invoked. The key is the state of the activity.

3. summary

  1. The current state handles messages, which can be handled as soon as possible, but cannot be handled until the state thrown to the parent class is processed or stateless.
  2. If the state changes are involved in the current state processing message, the exit method and the enter method of the change state are entered in turn (conditionally considering whether to call the exit and enter methods of the parent class, see Section 2.3.2 specifically, depending on the activity attribute)

Posted by WolfRage on Sat, 12 Jan 2019 17:03:11 -0800