web front-end H5 Baidu Map API file < continuous acquisition of ten addresses and display location information >

Keywords: Attribute Javascript

1 Right-click first to turn on functions that can be collected
2 Double-click the map to add latitude and longitude to the array
3 Added to 10 Close Collection Functions
4 After the address collection is completed, the map shows that this is a landmark (icon)
5. Create an object for an information window
6 Click on the icon to display the location information

1. Format and introduce Baidu Map API file and js file in html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <!--Introducing Baidu API file-->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=AprPCc8Vizizbwc8qKmxk8D13Yl9cTKs"></script>
        <!--Setting Styles.div The size of the page should be the same as that of the visual page so that the map can be displayed on all pages.-->
        <style type="text/css">
            *{margin: 0;padding: 0;}
            html,body,#map{width: 100%;height: 100%;}
        <div id="map"></div>
    <!--Introduce js Pay attention to Baidu API Documents to be in js In front of the file-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/new_file.js"></script>

2 New js file
Code thinking analysis:
First, give a (function(){}() self-calling function, which will call itself. The inner atmosphere of the self-calling function is divided into three parts: 1. Introducing a map and initializing it so that the map can be displayed on the same page. 2 is to give a method according to the effect to be achieved, using addEventListener () to give a right-click event to the top method listenr; listenr method is a double-click event, the method of this double-click event is to get the longitude and latitude of the double-click event, store the information in an array, when the double-click is full ten times, the double-click event stops, and then the console displays. Address information, which displays ten double-clicked addresses in the form of an icon on a map. 3. Create a visual window object addMarkerToMap (). When you click on the address icon, the window appears and displays the text address information of the address coordinates.

(function () {
    var map = new BMap.Map("map");
    function takePoints(done) {
        // Method of execution or rejection in Promise(function (done,reject) {}) It can only be executed once  (It's possible to Promise Removal of parameters passed in)
        // When can't Promise be used?
        //Promise cannot be used when a callback needs to be executed multiple times because callback can be used only once - >.    
            var points = [];        //Longitudinal and latitudinal arrays     
            var isActionDblclick = false;  //Has double-click been triggered?
            function listenr() {               
                if (isActionDblclick){   // If double-clicked, no double-click events will be added.
            //    Double-click the map to add latitude and longitude to the array
            //    add to10individual
            //    add to10Close Collection Function               
                isActionDblclick = true;          //Identified as double-clicked      
                function takeStart(event) {   //Method of collecting coordinate points
                    points.push(event.point);    //    Add latitude and longitude to the array           
                    if (points.length>=10){     //    add to10Close Collection Function
                        done(points);     //Give the collected coordinate points to the location of the call              
                        isActionDblclick = false;     //    Turn off the collection function
                        points = [];
            map.addEventListener("rightclick",listenr);  //The first is a right-click event.  
    function addMarkerToMap(point) {    //Create an object for an information window   
        var marker = new BMap.Marker(point);       //Declare an icon 
        map.addOverlay(marker);         //Put the icon on the map
        marker.addEventListener("click",function () {       //Set a listen event Click trigger for the icon
           new BMap.Geocoder().getLocation(point,function (result) {  //Get the user's address resolution. Geocoder().getLocation()Converting latitude and longitude into text information
               var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(result.address);  //Declare that a variable equals address information           
                marker.openInfoWindow(infoWindow);  // When clicking on the icon 
    function init() {
        takePoints(function (result) {        
            result.forEach(function (point) {  // Result - > He's the points array that's coming in - > It's the coordinates.

Be careful:
1. Array points should be placed outside the function
2. Stop double-click events by using variables isAction Dblclick values true and false and if judgements

Posted by meshi on Fri, 11 Jan 2019 11:00:10 -0800