NET Rapid Informatization System Development Framework V3.2-> Web User Management Module Editorial Interface-Organization Selection Support Cascade Selection

The drop-down box cascade selection function is very practical. The framework user management editing interface adds cascade selection support to the organization selection in version 3.2, which makes the organization selection more convenient and efficient, and is not easy to make mistakes.

The organizational structure of our framework is divided into five types according to the actual situation: company, branch, department, sub-department and working group. Different enterprises can choose or reject according to their actual needs. The organizational selection control of user editing interface uses the combobox control of EasyUI, and the onChange event of this control is mainly used in cascade selection.

The cascade selection effect is shown in the following figure:

The following is a code reference for adding the user JS section.

AddUser: function () { //Add user
        var addDialog = top.$.hDialog({
            href: formUrl,
            title: 'Add user',
            width: 610,
            height: 640,
            iconCls: 'icon16_user_add',
            onLoad: function () {
                top.$('#Enabled').attr("checked", true);
            submit: function () {
                if (top.$('#uiform').validate().form()) {                    
                    var postData = pageMethod.serializeJson(top.$('#uiform'));
                    postData.CompanyName = top.$('#CompanyId').combobox('getText');
                    postData.SubCompanyName = top.$('#SubCompanyId').combobox('getText');
                    postData.DepartmentName = top.$('#DepartmentId').combobox('getText');
                    postData.SubDepartmentName = top.$('#SubDepartmentId').combobox('getText');
                    postData.WorkgroupName = top.$('#WorkgroupId').combobox('getText');
                    $.ajaxjson("/FrameworkModules/UserAdmin/SubmitForm", postData, function (d) {
                        if (d.Success) {
                        } else {
                } else {
                    msg.warning('Please enter a user name.');
        return false;

Binding organization cascade binding code reference:

function BindOrganize() {
        valueField: 'Id', textField: 'FullName', panelHeight: 100, editable: true
        valueField: 'ID', textField: 'FULLNAME', panelHeight: 100, editable: true,
        url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetOrganizeByCategory?organizeCategory=Company',
        onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) {
                url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetCategoryChildrensById?organizeCategory=SubCompany&organzieId=' + newValue,
                onChange: function(newValue, oldValue) {
                        url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetCategoryChildrensById?organizeCategory=Department&organzieId=' + newValue
                        url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetCategoryChildrensById?organizeCategory=Department&organzieId=' + newValue

                        url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetCategoryChildrensById?organizeCategory=SubDepartment&organzieId=' + newValue

                        url: '/FrameworkModules/OrganizeAdmin/GetCategoryChildrensById?organizeCategory=WorkGroup&organzieId=' + newValue

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Posted by BenProl on Sat, 05 Jan 2019 23:48:08 -0800