21 - A Brief Analysis of Compoile Process-Event Flow This-Compoilation of Web Pack Source Code

Keywords: Javascript Webpack Attribute

After generating the Compilation instance in the previous section, some attributes are added, and then the flow of this-compilation events is triggered, as follows:

Compiler.prototype.newCompilation = (params) => {
    // new Compilation()
    const compilation = this.createCompilation();
    compilation.fileTimestamps = this.fileTimestamps;
    compilation.contextTimestamps = this.contextTimestamps;
    compilation.name = this.name;
    compilation.records = this.records;
    compilation.compilationDependencies = params.compilationDependencies;
    // Go!
    this.applyPlugins("this-compilation", compilation, params);
    this.applyPlugins("compilation", compilation, params);
    return compilation;

The name of the event stream is this-compilation, which I haven't understood for half a day. In terms of its content, it's actually a pre-compilation. It seems better to call it pre-compilation.

Anyway, no matter how many, keep running. The flow chart is as follows:

There are two sources of plugin s for this-compilation event flow, namely:

// JsonpTemplatePlugin
class JsonpTemplatePlugin {
    apply(compiler) {
        compiler.plugin("this-compilation", (compilation) => {
            compilation.mainTemplate.apply(new JsonpMainTemplatePlugin());
            compilation.chunkTemplate.apply(new JsonpChunkTemplatePlugin());
            compilation.hotUpdateChunkTemplate.apply(new JsonpHotUpdateChunkTemplatePlugin());
// CachePlugin
compiler.plugin("this-compilation", compilation => {
    // TODO remove notCacheable for webpack 4
    if (!compilation.notCacheable) {
        compilation.cache = cache;
        compilation.plugin("child-compiler", (childCompiler, compilerName, compilerIndex) => { /**/ });
    } else if (this.watching) {
            new Error(`CachePlugin - Cache cannot be used because of: ${compilation.notCacheable}`)

Both appear in the WebpackOptions Apply module, looking at the specific content in turn.



Tapable is loaded on several attributes of Compilation mentioned in the previous section, first of all:

compilation.mainTemplate.apply(new JsonpMainTemplatePlugin());

The source code of the plug-in is as follows:

"use strict";
const Template = require("./Template");
class JsonpMainTemplatePlugin {
    apply(mainTemplate) {
        // this.plugin("startup", (source, chunk, hash) => { /**/ });
        // this.plugin("render", (bootstrapSource, chunk, hash, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates) => { /**/ });
        // this.plugin("local-vars", (source, chunk, hash) => { /**/ });
        // this.plugin("require", (source, chunk, hash) => { /**/ });
        // this.plugin("module-obj", (source, chunk, hash, varModuleId) => { /**/ });
        // this.plugin("require-extensions", (source, chunk, hash) => { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("local-vars", function(source, chunk) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("jsonp-script", function(_, chunk, hash) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("require-ensure", function(_, chunk, hash) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("require-extensions", function(source, chunk) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("bootstrap", function(source, chunk, hash) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("hot-bootstrap", function(source, chunk, hash) { /**/ });
        mainTemplate.plugin("hash", function(hash) { /**/ });
module.exports = JsonpMainTemplatePlugin;

Obviously, here is only the injection of the corresponding event stream, here I also give the plugin when the attribute is initialized in the annotation, which can be compared, only local-vars are repetitive.

Since there is no apply operation, skip it for the time being.

Then the second one:

compilation.chunkTemplate.apply(new JsonpChunkTemplatePlugin());

The source code is as follows:

"use strict";
const ConcatSource = require("webpack-sources").ConcatSource;
class JsonpChunkTemplatePlugin {
    apply(chunkTemplate) {
        chunkTemplate.plugin("render", function(modules, chunk) { /**/ });
        chunkTemplate.plugin("hash", function(hash) { /**/ });
module.exports = JsonpChunkTemplatePlugin;

Similarly, it only injects event streams, which are not operated on during initialization, and only these two are all event streams.


compilation.hotUpdateChunkTemplate.apply(new JsonpHotUpdateChunkTemplatePlugin());
"use strict";
const ConcatSource = require("webpack-sources").ConcatSource;
class JsonpHotUpdateChunkTemplatePlugin {
    apply(hotUpdateChunkTemplate) {
        hotUpdateChunkTemplate.plugin("render", function(modulesSource, modules, removedModules, hash, id) { /**/ });
        hotUpdateChunkTemplate.plugin("hash", function(hash) { /**/ });
module.exports = JsonpHotUpdateChunkTemplatePlugin;

Similar to the one above.

The module is injected.



The plug-in injects multiple event streams directly related to this-compilation event stream:

compiler.plugin("this-compilation", compilation => {
    // TODO remove notCacheable for webpack 4
    // This property I can't find anywhere from beginning to end.
    // Anyway, commentary says webpack4 It will be removed
    if (!compilation.notCacheable) {
        // cache => {}
        compilation.cache = cache;
        // Injection Event Flow
        compilation.plugin("child-compiler", (childCompiler, compilerName, compilerIndex) => { /**/ });
    // Impossible else
    else if (this.watching) {
            new Error(`CachePlugin - Cache cannot be used because of: ${compilation.notCacheable}`)

The notCacheable here does not know where to define it or how to modify it.


In a word, this-compilation is not compilation, it just injects event streams into some auxiliary modules.

Posted by wmolina on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 19:39:04 -0800