Hello everyone
On December 25, 2016, Christmas day, I was lovelorn
1) App can share an article, an activity, etc. to a third-party platform
2) display the corresponding title, content and links
3) enter the corresponding link to wake up the App, and display the App download page when there is no client
4) after being woken up, display the corresponding sharing details
With 5 + third-party sharing, you can send the information you want to share to the third-party platform
Related articles:
Sharing plug-in development guide
Search for [share] related articles in Dcould community
I also wrote a simple es6 version of share
let __shares = (function () { let shares return newShares => { if (newShares) { shares = newShares } return shares } })() let __shareKv = { wxhy: 'WXSceneSession', //WeChat friends wxpyq: 'WXSceneTimeline', //Wechat circle of friends qq: 'qq', //QQ friends sinaweibo: 'sinaweibo', //Sina micro-blog } class Share { constructor(type, fn, op, context) { this.config = { type, //Sharing platform fn, //Result callback op, //Content configuration to share context, //context } this._initCallback() this.start() } _initCallback() { this.ShareCallBack = function (...arg) { return this.config.fn.apply(this.config.context, arg) } } start() { this.getService(this.config.type, (idShare) => { this.sendShare(idShare, () => { this.ShareCallBack(null, idShare) }) }) } sendShare(share, sendCallBack) { let message = this._getShareInfo(share) share.send(message, () => { sendCallBack() }, (err) => { this.ShareCallBack(err, share) }) } //Share information _getShareInfo(share) { let op = { extra: { scene: __shareKv[this.config.type] }, href: this.config.op.href, title: this.config.op.title, // content: this.config.op.content, // pictures: [this.config.op.img], thumbs: [this.config.op.img], } if (!op.href) { delete op.title delete op.content } return op } //Get authorization _getAuth(share, authCallBack) { if (!share.authenticated) { share.authorize(() => { authCallBack() }, (...err) => { return this.ShareCallBack.apply(null, err) }); } else { authCallBack() } } //Get service by id _getService(id, CallBack) { if(!!~id.toString().indexOf('wx')){ id = 'weixin' } let shares = __shares() for (let i in shares) { console.log(JSON.stringify(shares[i])) if (id === shares[i].id) { CallBack && CallBack(shares[i]) return shares[i] } } } //Access services getService(id, Callback) { if (__shares()) { return this._getService(id, Callback) } this._getHtml5PlusServices((data) => { __shares(data) this._getService(id, Callback) }) } //Get device sharing service list _getHtml5PlusServices(CallBack) { plus.share.getServices((services) => { CallBack(services) }, (err) => { this.ShareCallBack(err, null) }) } } var sendShare = function (...arg) { return new Share(...arg) } export { sendShare }
About this
//QQ wxhy (wechat friend) wxpyq (wechat friend circle) sinaweibo sendShare('qq',function(err, data){ if(err){ data = err } console.log(JSON.stringify(data)) },{ img: '_www/img/vhp.png',//Picture address href: 'https://github.com/zhaomenghuan/vue-html5plus', / / shared hyperlink title: 'Share title',//Valid if and only if the href exists content: 'Share content'//Valid if and only if the href exists })
ok, I don't configure the shared appkey here, because I use the real machine test of HBuilder. If you want to package and publish, please fill in one by one
What if we can wake up the App with the shared information?
I haven't had much time to update this series of articles because of my work, and the technology stack has also changed. Recently, the center of Dcloud has been put on uni app, so I hope you can stick to your original intention and adapt to the changes. At the beginning, I also wrote that I was lovelorn, but it's almost three years, eh