This article introduces how to use the external plug-in of RePlugin, which uses the simulation configuration in official demo2.
Step 1: package the project that needs to be an external plug-in to generate demo1.apk
Step 2: copy the apk to the host project assets/xxx /. The name of XXX is arbitrary and consistent
Here is the same as the official demo, as shown in the figure:
Step 3: call the code where the download Plug-in is triggered
//Determine whether the demo1 plug-in is installed. If not, download and install it. If it is installed, skip to the page
if (RePlugin.isPluginInstalled("com.test.qby.myapplication")) {
RePlugin.startActivity(this, RePlugin.createIntent("com.test.qby.myapplication", "com.test.qby.myapplication.plugin.PluginActivity"))
} else {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Downloading plug-in, please try again after downloading!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val pd =, "Installing...", "Please wait...", true, true)
Thread {
* Simulate installation or upgrade (overwrite installation) external plug-ins
* To facilitate the demonstration, the external plug-in is temporarily placed in the assets/external directory of the Host
private fun downApk() {
val demo1Apk = "demo1.apk"
val demo1apkPath = "external" + File.separator + demo1Apk
// Does the file already exist? Delete directly
val pluginFilePath = filesDir.absolutePath + File.separator + demo1Apk
val pluginFile = File(pluginFilePath)
if (pluginFile.exists()) {
// Start copying
copyAssetsFileToAppFiles(demo1apkPath, demo1Apk)
var info: PluginInfo? = null
if (pluginFile.exists()) {
info = RePlugin.install(pluginFilePath)
if (info != null) {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "install success!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} else {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "install external plugin failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
* Copy the contents of a file from the assets directory
* @param assetFileName assets Apk source file path under directory
* @param newFileName Copy to the file name under the directory / data / data / package [name / files /
private fun copyAssetsFileToAppFiles(assetFileName: String, newFileName: String) {
var ins: InputStream? = null
var fos: FileOutputStream? = null
val buffsize = 1024
try {
ins =
val allLength = ins!!.available()
fos = this.openFileOutput(newFileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
var byteCount = 0
var length = 0
val buffer = ByteArray(buffsize)
while (byteCount != -1) {
fos!!.write(buffer, 0, byteCount)
byteCount = ins!!.read(buffer)
length += byteCount
//Download progress
Log.e("MainActivity","Total length="+ Formatter.formatFileSize(this,allLength.toLong())+"Download progress="+Formatter.formatFileSize(this,length.toLong()))
} catch (e: Exception) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
In this way, the download of the external plug-in and the jump of the page have been completed. In practical application, it should be downloaded from the server.
Note: at this time, only the plug-in package name com.test.qby.myapplication can be used for page Jump.
RePlugin also provides another way to jump: [alias]
1. Configure plug-in alias and plug-in version in plug-in manifest file
Modify the value value to modify the plug-in alias, plug-in version and version number.
Official tip:
Detailed reference [plug in information]
2. Repeat step 1 and step 2
3. Host jump code
RePlugin.startActivity(this, RePlugin.createIntent("plugin1", "com.test.qby.myapplication.plugin.PluginActivity"))
Of course, you can still use the package name to jump.
Above only personal learning records, if there are omissions or errors, welcome to leave a message!