layout: post
title: 26-Binary Search Tree and Bidirectional Link List
category: sword finger offer
Title Description
Enter a binary search tree and convert the binary search tree into a sorted bidirectional list. Requirements can not create any new nodes, can only adjust the pointer of the node in the tree.
The following code constructs a binary search tree for testing purposes.
class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None L = {'A': TreeNode(3), 'B': TreeNode(2), 'C': TreeNode(6), 'D': TreeNode(1), 'E': TreeNode(4), 'F': TreeNode(8), 'G': TreeNode(5), 'H': TreeNode(7), 'I': TreeNode(9)} L['F'].left, L['F'].right = L['H'], L['I'] L['E'].right = L['G'] L['C'].left, L['C'].right = L['E'], L['F'] L['A'].left, L['A'].right = L['B'], L['C'] L['B'].left = L['D'] root = L['A']
- The function recur(root) can program a sorted bi-directional list of trees whose roots are roots, and the root is unchanged.
- According to the characteristics of bi-directional linked list, the end nodes of the bi-directional linked list can be easily obtained.
class Solution: # Just traverse in middle order. def Convert(self, root): def recur(root): if root.left: recur(root.left) lr = root.left while lr.right: lr = lr.right root.left, lr.right = lr, root if root.right: recur(root.right) rl = root.right while rl.left: rl = rl.left root.right, rl.left = rl,root if root is None: return root else: recur(root) while root.left: root = root.left return root
In order to traverse, the nodes are stored in a list, and then the two-way connection between adjacent nodes is constructed.
class Solution: # Just traverse in middle order. def Convert(self, pRootOfTree): # write code here # write code here logs = set() mystack = [] mylist = [] node = pRootOfTree while node is not None: if id(node) not in logs: logs.add(id(node)) mystack.append(node) if node.left: node = node.left else: node = mystack.pop(-1) else: mylist.append(node) if node.right: node = node.right else: # If the list does not contain elements, pop should not be used or errors will occur if len(mystack) > 0: node = mystack.pop(-1) else: node = None if len(mylist) == 0: return None elif len(mylist) == 1: mylist[0].left, mylist[0].right = None, None return mylist[0] else: mylist[0].left = None mylist[0].right = mylist[1] mylist[-1].right = None mylist[-1].left = mylist[-2] for i in range(1, len(mylist)-1): mylist[i].left = mylist[i-1] mylist[i].right = mylist[i+1] return mylist[0]