1: find the saddle point of a multidimensional array, that is, the element is the largest in the row, the smallest in the column, or there may be no saddle point
a = [
The solutions are as follows:
step1: first find out the maximum value of each row and its index, and output the maximum value, that is, all the rows and columns are stored in the result list as a list. The function is written as follows:
def find_saddle_max_point(s):
result =[]
#use result Store the maximum value of each line and its index
for i in range(len(s)):
#The number of iterations, i.e. how many rows are there in total, for example, there are 4 rows in total in the example, the value is equal to a Number of elements of
max =s[i][0]
#Set the maximum value of each line as the first
location =[]
#Build a new one. location List to store the value in the outer index Inner layer index
#Of the column in which the maximum value is set index The value is 0.
for j in range(len(s[i])):
#Traverse each value of each row
if s[i][j]>max:
max = s[i][j]
index =j
#Find the maximum value and the column in which the maximum value is located, that is j Value
#Store horizontal list coordinates and vertical coordinate values
#The maximum value and location(Including horizontal and vertical coordinates)Save as result in
return result
step2: find out the minimum value of each column of the two-dimensional matrix, and write the function in the same way as step1
def find_saddle_min_point(s):
result =[]
for i in range(len(s[0])):
#The number of times the column was traversed, such as a There are four columns, and the number of iterations of the columns is equal to a The length of the nested list for
min = s[0][i]
#Set the minimum value to be the first in each column
for j in range(len(s)):
#Traverse the value of each column
if s[j][i]<min:
min =s[j][i]
index = j
#The minimum value of each column index Save as location List
#The minimum value of each column and the location Save as result in
return result
Step 3: traverse the list generated by step 1 and step 2. If there is a repetition of the maximum value and the minimum value, and the index is the same, that is, if there are duplicate elements in the two lists, it is the saddle point of the two-dimensional array
#step3: If the minimum value is the same as the maximum value, and index Same, saddle point
def find_saddle(a):
list1 = find_saddle_max_point(a)
list2 = find_saddle_min_point(a)
for i in list1:
if i in list2:
return i
return False