[2019.03.20]Linux Shell executes transfer parameters and expr

Keywords: Linux shell less ssh

Not long ago, interns, now in the group to help dalao s run Case, from time to time to collect a wood Dump, every time the command is too annoying, so forced to learn to write their own Shell scripts. It was really painful at first, and I couldn't get any books. I could only draw pictures with half-truthful and half-truthful information on the internet. Say less nonsense, go to the text!

========================= I am the dividing line.=========================

 1 clear
 3 echo "Check_dump is a tool help you check dumps"
 5 numberOfSPs=2
 6 commands="-lcd"
17 ###########################################################
18 #                                                          
19 #   getopts The order is Korn/POSIX shell Built-in commands              
20 #   ,Used to retrieve options and option parameters from the parameter list. Options are made by one+(Plus sign
21 #   Or by one-(The minus sign) begins with a character. One is neither with+,Either
22 #   In order to-The start option ends the option string. Each call getopts When commanded, it
23 #   Place the value of the next option in Name and index the next parameter to be processed
24 #   Place it in the shell variable OPTIND. Whenever the shell is called, the
25 #   OPTIND Initialization for 1. When the options are + At the beginning, we will + Pre
26 #   Values appended to Name.
27 #
28 ##########################################################
30 while getopts ":a:b:c:n:" opt   # If the character in the option string is followed by a ":" (colon), then this option is expected to have parameters.
31                                 # Ad locum a Whether there is a colon ahead or not will determine the following*/?Can it work?
32                                 # Detailed instructions are available for reference. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/zh/ssw_aix_71/com.ibm.aix.cmds2/getopts.htm
33 do
34 case $opt in 
35     a)
36     d1=$OPTARG                                      # When an item needs an option parameter, the getopts command places it in the variable OPTARG
37     echo "d1 is $d1 "
38     ;;                                              # You have to remember to add the end; it's equivalent to break in other languages.
39     b)
40     d2=$OPTARG                                      # OPTARG appears, and that's where we get the parameters.
41     echo "d2 is $d2, and destination is $d1.$d2"    # The variables in the Shell are interesting, so you can write them directly and output them along the way.
42     ;;                                              # Double quotation marks resolve escaped characters and variable names in strings, but single quotation marks do not.
43     c)
44     commands=$OPTARG
45     echo " Addtional command: $commands "
46     ;;
47     n)
48     numberOfSPs=$OPTARG
49     echo "Number of SPs has changed to $numberOfSPs "
50     ;;
51     *)                                              # * perhaps ? Match all things that are not listed above
52     echo "Usage: check_dump -a<xxx.xxx.xxx> -b<xxx> -c<commands> -n<number of SP>
53 And the destination is IP for Unisphere."
54     exit
55 esac
56 done
58 i=1
59 while [ $i -le $numberOfSPs ]
60 do
61 d2=$((d2+1))
62 destination="$d1.$d2"
63 echo "============================================= 
64 checking SP$i, destination is :$destination"        # It's interesting to change lines directly in the string, and print out content will also change lines!
65 i=$((i+1))                                          # The $(()) is the same as the ``below', which means that the inside can be executed and other operations need to be performed later.
66 res="`ssh $destination svc_dc $commands`" 
67 if [[ ${#res} == 234 ]];then                        # Compare the abbreviated version of "expr instructions" which should be studied in depth. Some of the original instructions are few but not very good.
68                                                     # notice if What's behind it?!!!";then""Five characters a must!
69 echo "No dumps"
70 else                                                # If there are more branches, you can choose to use them. elif[[ condition ]];then 
71 echo "Found dumps:
72 $res"
73 fi
75 done
76 exit

That's it. Just drop something on it when you think about it.

Posted by theqase on Wed, 20 Mar 2019 16:45:26 -0700