2019-04-18 Mac OS Cross-compile mp4v2 to generate so file

Keywords: Android Google Database Linux

1. Environment and preparation

System: macOS Mojave version 10.14.4
NDK: android-ndk-r8d
Mp4v2 Version: 2.0.0
Links to various NDK versions: https://blog.csdn.net/shuzfan/article/details/52690554

android-ndk-r8d(December 2012)Only 32-bit version, r8e Is the first 64-bit version NDK
MacOS X 32-bit : http://Dl.google.com/android/ndk/android-ndk-r8d-darwin-x86.tar.bz2 (click to download directly)

2, Steps

1. Download the source code

The full code of the Mp4v2 library, which contains multiple versions, can be downloaded synchronously using SVN. This is not suitable only for ordinary developers who want to use the Mp4v2 library. It is recommended that ordinary developers download the Release version directly. The current version is 2.0.0, which is described below.
Mp4v2 open source address (https://code.google.com/archive/p/mp4v2)

Mp4v2 full code (suitable for studying Mp4v2 libraries)

Ordinary developers who want to use Mp4v2 recommend downloading the Release version, which I compiled. Mp4v2 2.0.0<Click Download> (https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0.tar.bz2)

Mp4v2 2.0.0 (recommended)

2. Directory Structure Adjustment

    1. Unzip the downloaded compressed file mp4v2-2.0.0.tar.bz2 to get the project mp4v2-2.0.0;
    1. Create a new folder jni and move the source code into it, mainly the src, libplatform, libutil, mp4v2 folders, where src, libplatform and libutil are copied directly from the mp4v2-2.0.0 directory, and mp4v2 is copied from the includ under mp4v2-2.0.0;
      directory structure
    1. The libs and obj directories correspond to the output and intermediate file directories of the link library, respectively
      Directory where libs output libMp4v2.so files
      The intermediate file directory produced by the obj compilation process, as shown in the figure
      obj compilation directory

3. Create files Android.mk and Application.mk

These two files are placed in the jni directory
Contents of Android.mk file

LOCAL_PATH:=$(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    src/3gp.cpp src/atom_ac3.cpp \
    src/atom_amr.cpp src/atom_avc1.cpp src/atom_avcC.cpp \
    src/atom_chpl.cpp src/atom_colr.cpp src/atom_d263.cpp \
    src/atom_dac3.cpp src/atom_damr.cpp src/atom_dref.cpp \
    src/atom_elst.cpp src/atom_enca.cpp src/atom_encv.cpp \
    src/atom_free.cpp src/atom_ftyp.cpp src/atom_ftab.cpp \
    src/atom_gmin.cpp src/atom_hdlr.cpp src/atom_hinf.cpp \
    src/atom_hnti.cpp src/atom_href.cpp src/atom_mdat.cpp \
    src/atom_mdhd.cpp src/atom_meta.cpp src/atom_mp4s.cpp \
    src/atom_mp4v.cpp src/atom_mvhd.cpp src/atom_nmhd.cpp \
    src/atom_ohdr.cpp src/atom_pasp.cpp src/atom_root.cpp \
    src/atom_rtp.cpp src/atom_s263.cpp src/atom_sdp.cpp \
    src/atom_sdtp.cpp src/atom_smi.cpp src/atom_sound.cpp \
    src/atom_standard.cpp src/atom_stbl.cpp src/atom_stdp.cpp \
    src/atom_stsc.cpp src/atom_stsd.cpp src/atom_stsz.cpp \
    src/atom_stz2.cpp src/atom_text.cpp src/atom_tfhd.cpp \
    src/atom_tkhd.cpp src/atom_treftype.cpp src/atom_trun.cpp \
    src/atom_tx3g.cpp src/atom_udta.cpp src/atom_url.cpp \
    src/atom_urn.cpp src/atom_uuid.cpp src/atom_video.cpp \
    src/atom_vmhd.cpp src/atoms.h src/cmeta.cpp \
    src/descriptors.cpp src/descriptors.h src/exception.cpp \
    src/exception.h src/enum.h src/enum.tcc src/impl.h \
    src/isma.cpp src/log.h src/log.cpp src/mp4.cpp src/mp4array.h \
    src/mp4atom.cpp src/mp4atom.h src/mp4container.cpp \
    src/mp4container.h src/mp4descriptor.cpp src/mp4descriptor.h \
    src/mp4file.cpp src/mp4file.h src/mp4file_io.cpp \
    src/mp4info.cpp src/mp4property.cpp src/mp4property.h \
    src/mp4track.cpp src/mp4track.h src/mp4util.cpp src/mp4util.h \
    src/ocidescriptors.cpp src/ocidescriptors.h src/odcommands.cpp \
    src/odcommands.h src/qosqualifiers.cpp src/qosqualifiers.h \
    src/rtphint.cpp src/rtphint.h src/src.h src/text.cpp \
    src/text.h src/util.h src/bmff/bmff.h src/bmff/impl.h \
    src/bmff/typebmff.cpp src/bmff/typebmff.h \
    src/itmf/CoverArtBox.cpp src/itmf/CoverArtBox.h \
    src/itmf/Tags.cpp src/itmf/Tags.h src/itmf/generic.cpp \
    src/itmf/generic.h src/itmf/impl.h src/itmf/itmf.h \
    src/itmf/type.cpp src/itmf/type.h \
    src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.cpp src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.h \
    src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp \
    src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.h src/qtff/coding.cpp \
    src/qtff/coding.h src/qtff/impl.h src/qtff/qtff.h \
    libplatform/endian.h libplatform/impl.h \
    libplatform/io/File.cpp libplatform/io/File.h \
    libplatform/io/FileSystem.cpp libplatform/io/FileSystem.h \
    libplatform/number/random.h libplatform/platform.h \
    libplatform/platform_base.h libplatform/platform_posix.h \
    libplatform/process/process.h \
    libplatform/prog/option.cpp libplatform/prog/option.h \
    libplatform/sys/error.cpp libplatform/sys/error.h \
    libplatform/time/time.cpp libplatform/time/time.h \
    libplatform/warning.h libplatform/io/File_posix.cpp \
    libplatform/io/FileSystem_posix.cpp \
    libplatform/number/random_posix.cpp \
    libplatform/process/process_posix.cpp \
    libplatform/time/time_posix.cpp \
    libutil/Database.cpp \
    libutil/Database.h libutil/Timecode.cpp libutil/Timecode.h \
    libutil/TrackModifier.cpp libutil/TrackModifier.h \
    libutil/Utility.cpp libutil/Utility.h libutil/crc.cpp \
    libutil/crc.h libutil/impl.h libutil/other.cpp libutil/other.h \
LOCAL_CFLAGS := -fexceptions
    libutils \
    libbinder \
LOCAL_CXXFLAGS :=-fexceptions -Wno-write-strings

Application.mk file

APP_ABI := armeabi
APP_PLATFORM := android-8
APP_STL := stlport_static
APP_CPPFLAGS += -fno-rtti

4. Compile

    1. cd to jni directory
    1. Call NDK tool ndk-build to compile

Since I downloaded several versions of NDK here, and the environment variable specifies that the NDK version is 18, which is not suitable for compiling here, I used the $/Users/Martin/Documents/AndroidDev/android-ndk-r8d/ndk-build command, which specifies that the corresponding NDK is compiled. If the developers do not use the same NDK version, they need to modify the variable NDK=/Users/Mart in the Android.mk fileIn/Documents/AndroidDev/android-ndk-r8d, specify the corresponding NDK, but also modify the LOCAL_LDFLAGS: = \ $(NDK)/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.4.3/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++.a to the corresponding.a file path in the NDK, as shown in Figure:

NDK Variable in Android.mk

LOCAL_LDFLAGS in Android.mk

If you make the appropriate changes, you may encounter compilation problems, which are described below.

3, Result

Terminal terminal output:

MartinMac:jni Martin$ /Users/Martin/Documents/AndroidDev/android-ndk-r8d/ndk-build 
Android NDK: WARNING: Unsupported source file extensions in /Users/Martin/GitHub/Mp4v2/mp4v2-2.0.0/jni/Android.mk for module Mp4v2    
Android NDK:   src/atoms.h src/descriptors.h src/exception.h src/enum.h src/enum.tcc src/impl.h src/log.h src/mp4array.h src/mp4atom.h src/mp4container.h src/mp4descriptor.h src/mp4file.h src/mp4property.h src/mp4track.h src/mp4util.h src/ocidescriptors.h src/odcommands.h src/qosqualifiers.h src/rtphint.h src/src.h src/text.h src/util.h src/bmff/bmff.h src/bmff/impl.h src/bmff/typebmff.h src/itmf/CoverArtBox.h src/itmf/Tags.h src/itmf/generic.h src/itmf/impl.h src/itmf/itmf.h src/itmf/type.h src/qtff/ColorParameterBox.h src/qtff/PictureAspectRatioBox.h src/qtff/coding.h src/qtff/impl.h src/qtff/qtff.h libplatform/endian.h libplatform/impl.h libplatform/io/File.h libplatform/io/FileSystem.h libplatform/number/random.h libplatform/platform.h libplatform/platform_base.h libplatform/platform_posix.h libplatform/process/process.h libplatform/prog/option.h libplatform/sys/error.h libplatform/time/time.h libplatform/warning.h libutil/Database.h libutil/Timecode.h libutil/TrackModifier.h libutil/Utility.h libutil/crc.h libutil/impl.h libutil/other.h libutil/util.h    
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= 3gp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_ac3.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_amr.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_avc1.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_avcC.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_chpl.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_colr.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_d263.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_dac3.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_damr.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_dref.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_elst.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_enca.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_encv.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_free.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_ftyp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_ftab.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_gmin.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_hdlr.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_hinf.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_hnti.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_href.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_mdat.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_mdhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_meta.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_mp4s.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_mp4v.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_mvhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_nmhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_ohdr.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_pasp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_root.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_rtp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_s263.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_sdp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_sdtp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_smi.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_sound.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_standard.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stbl.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stdp.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stsc.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stsd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stsz.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_stz2.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_text.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_tfhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_tkhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_treftype.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_trun.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_tx3g.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_udta.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_url.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_urn.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_uuid.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_video.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= atom_vmhd.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= cmeta.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= descriptors.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= exception.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= isma.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= log.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4atom.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4container.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4descriptor.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4file.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4file_io.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4info.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4property.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4track.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= mp4util.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= ocidescriptors.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= odcommands.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= qosqualifiers.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= rtphint.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= text.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= typebmff.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= CoverArtBox.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= Tags.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= generic.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= type.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= ColorParameterBox.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= PictureAspectRatioBox.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= coding.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= File.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= FileSystem.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= option.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= error.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= time.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= File_posix.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= FileSystem_posix.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= random_posix.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= process_posix.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= time_posix.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= Database.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= Timecode.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= TrackModifier.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= Utility.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= crc.cpp
Compile++ arm    : Mp4v2 <= other.cpp
Prebuilt       : libstlport_static.a <= <NDK>/sources/cxx-stl/stlport/libs/armeabi/
SharedLibrary  : libMp4v2.so
Install        : libMp4v2.so => libs/armeabi/libMp4v2.so
MartinMac:jni Martin$ 

Project folder:

Output so file directory

4, Questions

Problems that may arise if the NDK version is too high:
Question 1: armeabi is not supported, after R16, armeabi was discarded

Question 2: APP_STL stlport_static is no longer supported

Question 3: NDK is specified in Android.mk as android-ndk-r8d, if not used, remember to replace

arm-linux-androideabi-g++: error: /opt/android-ndk-r8d/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.4.3/libs/armeabi-v7a/libsupc++.a: No such file or directory

Question 4: # WARNING: …/Android.mk: non-system libraries in linker flags(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25663989/warning-android-mk-non-system-libraries-in-linker-flags)

5. Reference article links

Compile mp4v2 on Linux to generate So files for Android
android compiles mp4v2 2.0.0 to generate dynamic libraries

Configuring NDK environment in Mac environment

Posted by cHinshaw on Wed, 15 May 2019 07:07:17 -0700