08 service GateWay gateway

Keywords: Spring Cloud

GateWay gateway

An important component in the Cloud component bucket is the gateway. Zuul gateway is adopted in version 1.x;

However, in version 2.x, Zuul's upgrade has been skipped. Spring cloud finally developed a gateway to replace Zuul

GateWay provides a simple and effective way to route API s and provides some powerful filter functions, such as fusing, current limiting, Retry, etc

Reason for choosing GateWay

Zuul 1's model

Three concepts

Route: the basic module for building a gateway. It consists of ID, target URI and a series of assertions

And filter. If the assertion is true, the route will be matched

Predicate: the developer can match all the contents of the HTTP request (such as the request header or request parameters), and route the request if it matches the assertion

Filter: it is an instance of GateWay in the spring cloud framework. Using the filter, you can modify the request before or after it is routed

Build gateway 9527

  1. Create a new module cloud gateway gateway 9527
  2. pom

The pom file for the gateway does not require web and auactor dependencies

    <!-- Reference self defined api General package, you can use Payment payment Entity -->
    <!--eureka client(Dynamic routing through microservice name)-->
    <!--Hot deployment-->

  1. yml
  port: 9527

    name: cloud-gateway

    hostname: cloud-gateway-service
    fetch-registry: true
    register-with-eureka: true
      defaultZone: http://eureka7001.com:7001/eureka/
  1. Main startup class
public class GatewayMain9527 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  1. Modify yml file
  port: 9527

    name: cloud-gateway
        - id: payment_route # The id of the route. There are no rules, but it is required to be unique. It is recommended to cooperate with the service name
          #The routing address of the service provided after matching
          uri: http://localhost:8001
            - Path=/payment/get/** # Assert that the path matches the route

        - id: payment_route2
          uri: http://localhost:8001
            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route

    hostname: cloud-gateway-service
    fetch-registry: true
    register-with-eureka: true
      defaultZone: http://eureka7001.com:7001/eureka/
  1. Test start 7001 gateway 9527 8001

Access 8001 via 9527

Predict is true, access succeeded, false access failed

Two ways to configure routing

  1. Configure in configuration file yml
  2. Configure in configuration class
    Inject the Bean of RouteLocator into the code

Configuration class configuration

public class GateWayConfig {

    public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder routeLocatorBuilder){
        RouteLocatorBuilder.Builder routes = routeLocatorBuilder.routes();
                r -> r.path("/guonei") // Equivalent to localhost:9527/guonei go to Baidu below

        return routes.build();

Test: http://localhost:9527/guonei

Dynamic routing

  1. Modify yml file
    name: cloud-gateway
          enabled: true  #Enable the function of dynamically creating routes from the registry, and route using the microservice name (false by default)
        - id: payment_routh #The id of the route. There are no rules, but it is required to be unique. It is recommended to cooperate with the service name
          #          uri: http://localhost:8001 # matches the routing address of the service
          uri: lb://CLOUD-PAYMENT-SERVICE
            - Path=/payment/get/** #Assert that the path matches the route

        - id: payment_routh2
          #          uri: http://localhost:8001
          uri: lb://CLOUD-PAYMENT-SERVICE
            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route

Test, start 700180029527

Use of common Predicate

Official website: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-gateway/2.2.1.RELEASE/reference/html/#gateway-request-predicates-factories


First use a test class to get the current time

import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
public class Test2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Get current time string
        ZonedDateTime now = ZonedDateTime.now();//Default time zone
        //2021-12-04T14:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]    }

Add in yml file

            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route
            # The time is one hour later than the current time
            - After=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]

Test, start 700180029527

              #Cannot access Before the specified time (Before)
            - Before=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
              #Can only be accessed within a specified time (Between)
            - Between=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai],2021-12-04T16:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]

Cookie Route Predicate

Two parameters are required, one is Cookie name and the other is regular expression

The routing rule will obtain the corresponding Cookie name value and regular expression. If there is a match, the routing will be executed. If there is no match, the routing will not be executed

            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route
            - After=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
            - Cookie=username,ssyy

Header Route Predicate Factroy

One of the two parameters is the attribute name and a regular expression. The attribute value matches the regular expression for execution

            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route
#            - After=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
#            - Cookie=username,ssyy
            - Header=X-Request-Id, \d+   #The request header must have an X-Request-Id attribute and a regular expression with an integer value

            - Path=/payment/lb/** #Assert that the path matches the route
#            - After=2021-12-04T15:32:44.032+08:00[Asia/Shanghai]
#            - Cookie=username,ssyy
            - Header=X-Request-Id, \d+   #The request header must have an X-Request-Id attribute and a regular expression with an integer value
            - Host=**.angenin.com    #Host: xxx.angelin.com request is that the host must have * *.Angelin.com
            - Method=GET	#Only get request access is allowed
            - Path=/payment/lb/**  #The url address to be accessed must be / payment/lb /
            - Query=username, \d+   #The url request address must take the username parameter and the value must be an integer


Routing filters can be used to modify incoming HTTP requests and returned HTTP responses. Routing filters can only be used by specifying routes

Many built-in filters are generated by the GateWayFilter factory

GatewayFilter (31 kinds)
Global Filter (10 kinds)

Custom filter

Create a new filter.MyLogGateWayFilter

public class MyLogGateWayFilter implements GlobalFilter, Ordered {
    public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
        log.info("***************come in MyLogGateWayFilter"+new Date());
        String name = exchange.getRequest().getQueryParams().getFirst("name");
        if (name == null){
           log.info("********User name is null,Illegal user, T T");
           return exchange.getResponse().setComplete();

        return chain.filter(exchange);

    public int getOrder() {
        //The return value is the priority of the filter. The lower the priority, the higher the priority (minimum - 2147483648, maximum 2147483648)
        return 0;

Start 700180029527

Take name and you'll succeed

Posted by bouba on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 13:21:30 -0800