08 Public Number Development - Receiving Other Common Messages (Pictures, Videos, etc.)

Keywords: xml encoding

Receive other normal messages

Receive picture messages

<PicUrl><![CDATA[this is a url]]></PicUrl>

Receiving Video Messages


Receiving Small Video Messages


Receiving voice messages


Please note that after opening speech recognition, when the user sends the voice to the public number every time, he will add a Recongnition field in the push voice message XML packet. (Note: because of the client cache, the developer opens or closes the speech recognition function, which immediately comes into effect for the new attention, and it takes 24 hours for the concerned user. Developers can refocus on this account for testing. The voice XML packet after speech recognition is turned on is as follows:

<Recognition><![CDATA[Tencent WeChat team]]></Recognition>

In many fields, Format is voice format, generally amr, Recognition is the result of speech recognition, and UTF8 encoding is used.

Posted by JasonO on Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:36:59 -0700