This article is from the Vue3 + Ts course of coderwhy
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Template syntax
Development Modes for React
React uses jsx, so the corresponding code is written in a syntax similar to js
js is then compiled into React via Babe.Create Element function call
vue also supports the jsx development model (which will be discussed later):
But in most cases, use HTML-based template syntax
In templates, developers are allowed to declaratively bind data from DOM and underlying component instances to-and-fro.In the bottom implementation, vue compiles the template into a virtual DOM rendering function, which I will talk about later.
Use of mustache
Basic Use: <h2>{{message}}</h2>
Expression <h2>{{message*10}}</h2>
Function < h2>{{message.split("). reverse() join(")}}</h2>
Ternary Operator <h2>{{isShow?"Hhhhhh": "}}</h2>
Common Instructions
v-once directive
v-once is used to specify that elements or components are rendered only once
When data changes, elements or components and all their children are treated as static content and skipped.
This directive can be used for performance optimization;
<h2 v-once>{{counter}}</h2> <button @click="increment">+1</button>
Render only once if it is a child node
<div v-once> <h2>{{counter}}</h2> <h2>{{message}}</h2> </div> <button @click="increment">+1</button>
textContent used to update elements
<h2 v-text="message"></h2> <!-- Equivalent to --> <h2>{{message}}</h2>
By default, if the content we are presenting is html in itself, the vue will not parse it specifically.
If we want this to be parsed by Vue, we can use v-html to show it
<template id="my-app"> <div>{{msg}}</div> <div v-html="msg"></div> </template> <script> const App = { template: '#my-app', data() { return { msg: '<span style="color:red; background: blue;">Ha ha ha</span>' } } } </script>
V-preis used to skip the compilation of elements and their children, displaying the original Muustache tag:
Skip nodes that do not require compilation to speed up compilation
<template id="my-app"> <h2 v-pre>{{message}}</h2> </template>
This directive remains on the element until the associated component instance has finished compiling.
When used with CSS rules such as [v-cloak] {display: none}, this directive hides uncompiled Mushache tags until the component instance is ready
<template id="my-app"> <h2 v-cloak>{{message}}</h2> </template> <script> const App = { template: '#my-app', data() { return { message: "Hello World" } } } </script>
Will not be displayed until the compilation is complete
Binding Properties for v-bind
Useful tips Vue3 supports multiple root elements
The front end is a series of instructions, mainly inserting values into the template content.
However, in addition to content that needs to be determined dynamically, we also want some properties to be bound dynamically.
For example, dynamically binding the href attribute of element a;
Such as dynamically binding the src attribute of img elements;
Binding properties we use v-bind:
Expected: any (with argument) | Object (without argument)
Parameter: attrOrProp (optional)
.camel - Converts the kebab-case attribute name to camelCase.
Usage: Dynamically bind one or more attribute s, or prop a component to an expression.
v-bind binding basic properties
v-bind is used to bind one or more attribute values, or to pass props values to another component (as you learn about components);
What properties need to be dynamically bound in development?
There are still many, such as picture link src, website link href, dynamic binding of some classes, styles and so on
v-bind has a corresponding grammatical sugar (:), which is short form.
In development, we usually use the form of grammatical sugar because it is more concise
<template id="my-app"> <!-- 1.v-bind Basic Use --> <img v-bind:src="imgUrl" alt=""> <a v-bind:href="link">Use Baidu Search</a> <!-- 2.v-bind Provide a grammatical sugar : --> <img :src="imgUrl" alt=""> <img src="imgUrl" alt=""> </template>
v-bind binding class
In development, sometimes our element class es are dynamic, such as
When the data is in a certain state, the font is red.
Font is black when data is in another state
There are two ways to bind a class:
Object Grammar
Array syntax
Binding class-object syntax
Object Syntax: We can pass to: class (short for v-bind:class) an object to dynamically switch classes
<template id="my-app"> <div :class="className">Ha ha ha ha</div> <!-- Object Grammar: {'active': boolean} --> <div :class="{'active': isActive}">Ha Ha</div> <button @click="toggle">switch</button> <!-- You can also have multiple key-value pairs --> <div :class="{active: isActive, title: true}">Ha Ha</div> <!-- Default class And dynamic class Combination --> <div class="abc cba" :class="{active: isActive, title: true}"> Ha Ha </div> <!-- Put objects in a separate property --> <div class="abc cba" :class="classObj">Ha Ha</div> <!-- Put the returned object in one methods(computed)Method --> <div class="abc cba" :class="getClassObj()">Ha Ha</div> </template> <script src="../js/vue.js"></script> <script> const App = { template: "#my-app", data() { return { className: "why", isActive: true, title: "abc", classObj: { active: true, title: true }, }; }, methods: { toggle() { this.isActive = !this.isActive; }, getClassObj() { return { active: true, title: true } } }, }; Vue.createApp(App).mount("#app"); </script>
Binding class - array syntax
Array syntax: We can pass an array to: class to apply a list of classes
<template id="my-app"> <div :class="['abc', title]">Ha ha ha ha</div> <div :class="['abc', title, isActive ? 'active': '']">Ha ha ha ha</div> <div :class="['abc', title, {active: isActive}]">Ha ha ha ha</div> </template> <script src="../js/vue.js"></script> <script> const App = { template: '#my-app', data() { return { message: "Hello World", title: "cba", isActive: true } } } Vue.createApp(App).mount('#app'); </script>
Introduction to binding style
We can use v-bind:style to bind some CSS inline styles
This time because there are certain styles that we need to decide dynamically based on the data
For example, the color, size, etc. of a piece of text
CSS property names can be named with camelCase or kebab-case, remember to enclose in quotation marks
There are two ways to bind a class
Object Grammar
Array syntax
Binding style walkthrough
Object Grammar
<template id="my-app"> <!-- :style="{cssPropertyName: cssPropertyValue}" --> <div :style="{color: finalColor, 'font-size': '30px'}">Ha ha ha ha</div> <div :style="{color: finalColor, fontSize: '30px'}">Ha ha ha ha</div> <div :style="{color: finalColor, fontSize: finalFontSize + 'px'}">Ha ha ha ha</div> <!-- Bind one data Property value in, And it's an object --> <div :style="finalStyleObj">Ha Ha</div> <!-- Call a method --> <div :style="getFinalStyleObj()">Ha Ha</div> </template>
Array syntax
Style's array syntax applies multiple style objects to the same element
<template id="my-app"> <div :style="[style1Obj, style2Obj]">Ha ha ha</div> <img :src="" alt=""> <a :href=""></a> <div :class></div> </template>
Dynamic Binding Properties
In some cases, the name of our attribute may not be fixed
Front end We have fixed attribute names regardless of src, href, class, style binding
If the attribute name is not fixed, we can define it using the format: [attribute name]= "value"
This way of binding, we call it dynamic binding properties;
<template id="my-app"> <div :[name]="value">Ha ha ha</div> </template>
Bind an object
What if we want to bind all the attributes of an object to all the attributes on an element?
Very simple, we can bind an object directly with v-bind
Case: info objects are split into div attributes
<template id="my-app"> <div v-bind="info">Ha ha ha ha</div> <div :="info">Ha ha ha ha</div> </template>
v-on binding event
Previously, we bound the content and attributes of elements, and another very important feature in front-end development is interaction.
In front-end development, we need a wide range of interactions with users on a regular basis
At this point, we have to listen for user events, such as clicks, drags, keyboard events, etc.
How do you listen for events in Vue? Use the v-on directive.
Usage of v-on
Abbreviation: @
Expected: Function | Inline Statement | Object
Parameter: event p modifier:
.stop - Calls event.stopPropagation().
.prevent - Calls event.preventDefault().
.capture - Use capture mode when adding event listeners.
.self - Triggers a callback only if the event is triggered from the element itself bound by the listener.
. {keyAlias} - Triggers a callback only if the event is triggered from a specific key.
.once - Triggers a callback only once.
.left - Triggers only when the left mouse button is clicked.
.right - Triggers only when the right mouse button is clicked.
.middle - Triggers only when the middle mouse button is clicked.
.passive - {passive: true} mode add listener
Usage: Bind event listening
Basic use of v-on
<template id="my-app"> <!-- Complete Writing: v-on:Listened Events="methods Medium method" --> <button v-on:click="btn1Click">Button 1</button> <div class="area" v-on:mousemove="mouseMove">div</div> <!-- Grammatical Sugar --> <button @click="btn1Click">Button 1</button> <!-- Bind an expression: inline statement --> <button @click="counter++">{{counter}}</button> <!-- Bind an object --> <div class="area" v-on="{click: btn1Click, mousemove: mouseMove}"></div> <div class="area" @="{click: btn1Click, mousemove: mouseMove}"></div> </template>
v-on parameter transfer
When defining methods in methods for @click calls, you need to be aware of parameter issues:
Case 1: If the method does not require additional parameters, the () after the method may not be added.
Note, however, that if there is a parameter in the method itself, the native event event event parameter is passed in by default
Scenario 2: If you need to pass in a parameter at the same time and an event is required, you can pass in an event through $event.
<template id="my-app"> <!-- Default incoming event object, Available in methods --> <button @click="btn1Click">Button 1</button> <!-- $event You can get the event object when the event occurs --> <button @click="btn2Click($event, 'coderwhy', 18)">Button 2</button> </template>
Modifier for v-on
v-on supports modifiers, which are equivalent to some special handling of events:
.stop - Calls event.stopPropagation().
.prevent - Calls event.preventDefault().
.capture - Use capture mode when adding event listeners.
.self - Triggers a callback only if the event is triggered from the element itself bound by the listener.
. {keyAlias} - Triggers a callback only if the event is triggered from a specific key.
.once - Triggers a callback only once.
.left - Triggers only when the left mouse button is clicked.
.right - Triggers only when the right mouse button is clicked.
.middle - Triggers only when the middle mouse button is clicked.
.passive - {passive: true} mode add listener
<template id="my-app"> <div @click="divClick"> <button @click.stop="btnClick">Button</button> </div> <input type="text" @keyup.enter="enterKeyup"> </template>
conditional rendering
In some cases, we need to decide whether certain elements or components are rendered based on the current conditions, at which point we need to make conditional judgments.
Vue provides the following instructions for conditional judgment:
v-if, v-else, v-else-if are used to render the contents of a block based on conditions:
These are rendered only when the condition is true;
These three instructions are similar to JavaScript conditional statements if, else, else if;
<template id="my-app"> <input type="text" v-model="score"> <h2 v-if="score > 90">excellent</h2> <h2 v-else-if="score > 60">good</h2> <h2 v-else>Fail</h2> </template>
Rendering principle of v-if:
v-if is inert;
When the condition is false, the judgment will not be rendered or destroyed at all.
When the condition is true, the content in the condition block will be rendered.
template element
Since v-if is an instruction, it must be added to an element:
But what if we want to switch multiple elements?
At this p oint we render the div, but we don't want the div element to be rendered;
At this point, we can choose to use the template;
The template element can be used as an invisible wrapping element and on v-if, but ultimately the template will not be rendered:
A little like a block in a applet
<template id="my-app"> <template v-if="isShowHa"> <h2>Ha ha ha ha</h2> <h2>Ha ha ha ha</h2> <h2>Ha ha ha ha</h2> </template> <template v-else> <h2>Ha Ha</h2> <h2>Ha Ha</h2> <h2>Ha Ha</h2> </template> </template>
The usage of v-show and v-if appears to be consistent and depends on a condition to decide whether to display elements or components
<template id="my-app"> <h2 v-show="isShow">Ha ha ha ha</h2> </template>
Differences between v-show and v-if
First, there are differences in usage:
v-show does not support template s;
v-show cannot be used with v-else;
Secondly, the essential difference is:
Whether or not the v-show element needs to be displayed on the browser, its DOM is actually rendered, just toggled through the display property of CSS;
When the v-if condition is false, the corresponding element radicals will not be rendered in the DOM.
How do you choose in development?
If our elements need to switch frequently between display and hide, use v-show;
If switching does not occur frequently, use v-if;
List Rendering
In real development, we often get a set of data from the server and need to render it.
At this point we can use v-for to do it;
v-for is similar to a JavaScript for loop and can be used to traverse a set of data;
v-for Basic Use
The basic format of n v-for is an "item in array":
Arrays are usually from data or prop, or in other ways;
item is an alias we give each element, which can be defined by itself.
We know that when traversing an array, we often need to get the index of the array:
If we need an index, we can use the format: "(item, index) in array";
Notice the order above: the array element item item item is in the front, and the index item index is in the back;
<template id="my-app"> <h2>Movie List</h2> <ul> <!-- foreach --> <li v-for="(movie, index) in movies">{{index+1}}.{{movie}}</li> </ul> <h2>Personal information</h2> <ul> <!-- Traversing Objects --> <li v-for="(value, key, index) in info">{{value}}-{{key}}-{{index}}</li> </ul> <h2>Traversal Numbers</h2> <ul> <li v-for="(num, index) in 10">{{num}}-{{index}}</li> </ul> </template>
Types supported by v-for
v-for also supports traversing objects and has one or two or three parameters:
One parameter: "value in object";
Two parameters: "(value, key) in object";
Three parameters: "(value, key, index) in object";
v-for also supports traversal of numbers:
Each item is a number;
template element
Similar to v-if, you can use template elements to render a section of content that contains more than one element in a loop:
We use template s to wrap multiple elements instead of div s;
<template id="my-app"> <ul> <template v-for="(value, key) in info"> <li>{{key}}</li> <li>{{value}}</li> <li class="divider"></li> </template> </ul> </template>
Array Update Detection
Vue will be wrapped around the change methods of the array being listened for, so they will also trigger view updates. These wrapped methods include:
Method of replacing arrays
The above method directly modifies the original array, but some methods do not replace it, but instead generate new arrays, such as filter(), concat(), and slice().
<template id="my-app"> <h2>Movie List</h2> <ul> <li v-for="(movie, index) in movies">{{index+1}}.{{movie}}</li> </ul> <input type="text" v-model="newMovie"> <button @click="addMovie">Add Movie</button> </template> <script src="../js/vue.js"></script> <script> const App = { template: '#my-app', data() { return { newMovie: "", movies: [ "Intergalactic Traverse", "Inception", "Talk West", "Godfather", "Juvenile School" ] } }, methods: { addMovie() { this.movies.push(this.newMovie); this.newMovie = ""; // this.movies = this.movies.filter(item => item.length > 2); } } } Vue.createApp(App).mount('#app'); </script>
What is the function of key in v-for?
When using v-for for for list rendering, we usually bind a key attribute to an element or component.
What does this key attribute do? Let's first look at the official explanation:
The key attribute is mainly used in Vue's virtual DOM algorithm to identify VNodes when comparing old and new nodes.
If key is not used, Vue uses an algorithm that minimizes dynamic elements and tries to modify/reuse the same types of elements in place as much as possible.
When key is used, it reorders elements based on key changes and removes/destroys elements that key does not exist.
Official explanations are not easy for beginners to understand, such as the following questions:
What are old and new nodes and what is VNode?
How do I try to modify and reuse without a key?
When there is a key, how do I rearrange it based on the key?
Understanding VNode
Let's first explain the concept of VNode:
Because we don't yet have a complete concept of learning components, we should first understand the VNode created by HTML elements.
The full name of VNode is Virtual Node, or virtual node;
In fact, whether components or elements, they all end up being a VNode in the Vue;
VNode is essentially a JavaScript object;
Virtual DOM
If we're not just a simple div, but a bunch of elements, they should form a VNode Tree:
Insert F Case
Let's start with a case where when I click a button, an f is inserted in the middle;
We can be sure that this update is not necessary for ul and button and that the li st of our LIS needs to be updated:
In Vue, the entire list is not re-rendered for child element nodes of the same parent element;
Because they are unchanged for a, b, c, d in the list;
When operating a real DOM, we only need to insert a li of f in the middle.
So how exactly do updates to lists in Vue work?
Vue actually calls two different methods for keys and no keys;
With key, use the patchKeyedChildren method;
Without a key, use the patchUnkeyedChildren method for that long;
<template id="my-app"> <ul> <li v-for="item in letters" :key="item">{{item}}</li> </ul> <button @click="insertF">insert F element</button> </template> <script src="../js/vue.js"></script> <script> const App = { template: '#my-app', data() { return { letters: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] } }, methods: { insertF() { this.letters.splice(2, 0, 'f') } } } Vue.createApp(App).mount('#app'); </script>
Vue Source's Judgment of key
Operation without key
Operation without key
We will find that the diff algorithm above is not efficient:
c and d actually don't need any changes;
But because our c is used by f, all subsequent content will be changed once and added at last.
Operate with key
Operational procedure with key-diff algorithm
The first step is to traverse and compare from the beginning:
a and b are consistent and will continue to compare;
c and f break out of the loop because the key is inconsistent
- The second step is to traverse and compare from the tail
The third step is to add a new node if the old node is traversed but there are still new nodes:
The fourth step is to remove the old node if the new node is traversed but the old one still exists:
The fifth step is the most characteristic scenario, with many unknown or disordered nodes in between:
Conclusion with or without key
So we can see that Vue uses our key s as much as possible to optimize the diff algorithm:
We are very inefficient without key s;
Keeping the same key makes the diff algorithm more efficient when inserting or resetting the order;