JavaBean introspection and BeanInfo

Java's BeanInfo is rarely used at work. When I was studying the spring source code, I found that a genus called "spring.beaninfo.ignore" will be set when SpringBoot starts. This configuration can only be found on the Internet, which means whether to skip the search of java BeanInfo and find no other information, but what is BeanInfo? ...

Posted by cyclefiend2000 on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:00:32 -0800

Java must have a tool library to reduce your code by 90%

After working for many years, I found that there are many tool class libraries that can greatly simplify the amount of code and improve development efficiency, but junior developers don't know. These class libraries have long become the industry standard class libraries, and they are also used in large companies. If someone told me to use these ...

Posted by silentmajority3 on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:18:01 -0800

gRPC in java version 7: Registration discovery based on eureka

Links to the full series of "java version gRPC actual combat"Generate code with protoService publishing and invocationServer streamClient streamBidirectional flowThe client dynamically obtains the server addressRegistration discovery based on eurekaAbout eurekaWhen we develop the client application, the required server address is set ...

Posted by ashebrian on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:56:26 -0800

Technical route of Chinese full-text retrieval (elastic search full-text retrieval, Chinese word segmentation ik, tika parsing documents)

Code in Open source warehouse 3 xxx general idea is to install es and tika services with docker, upload word and other documents in cms, parse them with tika, get plain text, and submit them to es for storage. Front end retrieval, query in ES, return the highlighted text a ...

Posted by kf on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:46:04 -0800

The latest Flink series tutorials in 2021__ Flink advanced API

day04_Flink advanced APIToday's goalFlink's four cornerstonesFlink Window operationFlink Time - TimeFlink Watermark watermark mechanismState management of Flink - keyed state and operator stateFlink's four cornerstonesCheckpoint - checkpoint, distributed consistency, data loss resolution, fault recovery, data storage is the global state, persis ...

Posted by valentin on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:18:57 -0800

Shiro integrates some configurations and problems of springboot

First, post the official website address 1, shiro configuration class To use shiro, you must configure a shiroConfig configuration class, which requires three bean s: Realm, custom realmDefaultwebsecuritymanager needs to pass the Realm parameterShiroFilterFactoryBean, you need to pass the defaul ...

Posted by andy666 on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 01:12:31 -0800